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Full Version: [FREE] Instagram Like Script!
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Not working anymore.
thanks i will check
thank you
Thanks so much for this! excited to try it out
(09-17-2012 08:32 PM)xsaudx Wrote: [ -> ]thanks i will check
thank you
Is there a fix for this? It doesn't seem to be liking pics anymore....
Ah..... replace "" with ""

That fixes it for now.
How can you make it loop through more than the first 5? I have it set to loop a lot but only keeps liking the first 5.

Thanks in advance
does the script run on chrome macro ? or jus firefox ?
Sorry I can't seem to find the original script to post in imacros
how do you make it search more tags? /TagHere/
Do I replace like this eg. /me cool pop candy/ ?
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