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Full Version: About Posting Threads - Responsibility
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I am almost a month old here in BBHF and what I noticed is that some of the thread owners never update their links or reply to people who are asking about something and giving comments on the related thread.

I posted some threads on the forum and here are my responsibility as the author of my thread.

1. I make sure that my download links are personally tested and used by me.
2. I respond to queries and questions on my thread and I read every single post on my thread.
3. I do not post a thread and then leave it forever.

I mean some threads have links that are not working and you never hear from the thread owner again WTF is that. Please be a responsible thread owner. Sad

I get disappointed when there is a thread that supposedly has this great download or access, and then boom links are dead.
I have a very great idea thanks to this post. Going to send the administrator immediately a private message!
thank you so much mod :)
I am still waiting for a reply from Administrator, but I already sent 2 suggestions about this (in 1 private message).
yes, u r absolutely right..there are more than 32 pages on any post regarding up the download there is not query for that...
nice start
I also do hope to put dead threads into the deleted list :)
And a short review about the product, software or book in your thread will be great for everybody.
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