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Full Version: [GET] WORDPRESS VIDEO WIZARD - The Must Have Plug-in For Your Clients Sites - Membership Areas And More!
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Your link has no files or folders in it ("item deleted or unavailable to you")

"Invalid user name"
(12-27-2012 11:08 AM)aallaabbaammaa Wrote: [ -> ]@eivan
Your link has no files or folders in it ("item deleted or unavailable to you")

"Invalid user name"
Direct Download link in Post#9
What's the API ID and API secret?
Thanks Guys!
O.K. Guys I did find the page for the registration for the developers Lic.

put your name and email snd you will get an email with your login UN and Pass

after signinig up to the Lic I did find that they have changed the Plugin and Now it is called : WPVIDSTER

and I did find the registration page for it :


Rep's are always welcome - IF YOU LIKE MY SHARE +REP
Pages: 1 2
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