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Hello guys, im very new at this and I'm sorry if I didn't post this in the correct place. I'm actually looking for a program or tool that would help me analyze backlinks to my page such as anchors, Page Rank and all that good stuff. Sorry If im not clear enough im quite new at this but i'd appreciate any help or guidance
You can use SEO Power Suite packages for all of your website needs.
I was actually just trying out SEO Powersuite, SEnukeX does the same? any other good ones I should look out for?
Hi all. good lucky to you.
No, the answer is Backlink Miner, here is my guide on how to analyze your backlink using Backlink Miner . Backlink Miner shows you all the PRs, social signals (likes,+1,followers,etc) anything you need to know. It is the fastest way to get all your backlinks data shown to you too. Just one click you get all of the data you need for your backlink profile, PRs, social metrics, etc.
The best method I know is:
Google webmaster tools has the most backlinks. You can either analyse that or create a majestic seo account and authentificate your webmasters and analyse the free links from majestic very nicely.
Backlink miner is one click solution and it works best from what I know. Why bother wasting your time going to each and every site like ahrefs to check out your backlinks. Backlink miner can provide you a clear overview of all your backlink data in a glance in a click in under 1 min.
hi all. good luvky too you
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