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Full Version: [GET] Simple Article Reviser - Newbie Friendly Way to Rewrite Articles
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Pages: 1 2
thanks for the share
Thank for this mann!

Is this good with seo ?
Mcafee blocks this file. SO not downloading
Grabbed this from Blackhatterinpink's mirror and submitted to VT, results here:
(Which includes their version of Mcafee for those who accept any results from that.)

Quote:0/58 - No engines detected this file - Size 78.98 KB - 2019-07-19 04:40:03 UTC
It contains just a single EXE file that is 166KB in size.

The super old MF share of it in the OP is also active, so I also grabbed that and re-scanned it as well:

Quote:0/59 - No engines detected this file - Size 80.76 KB - 2019-07-19 04:50:08 UTC
Any reviews for this ??
I re-write plr using MS Word not ideal,
reading the description of this software
it should make this task easier.

Thanks for sharing! Thanks
Simple but useful tool that breaks up an article into individual sentences and gives you boxes under the sentences for you to rewrite in. Then puts it together in the end with a provision to create separate paragraphs wherever you want them. It's a manual rewriting tool and the only drawback I see is that you need to go back to use your mouse after rewriting each sentence because tab takes you further in the designated box and not to the next box immediately. When you use it you will see what I mean.

It's from the Ezinearticles content marketing era, about 10 years ago but still helps. Especially for those folks who rewrite content a lot. Not a spinner or an automatic rewriter.
Still working
Thanks Mayne and blackhatterinpink
thanks for the share
Pages: 1 2
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