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Full Version: [HELLO] Doing a RESET on my life (again)
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Hello to all @ BHF !

This is a fine site ... glad the big G sent me over hear once upon a time ago ... I have been posting without introducing myself so I guess it is time to completely uncloak, as it wereHuh

Calling from the great white north sometimes referred to as CANADA ... closeby Niagara Falls to those that need a geo reference.
I have 2 very grown adult kids, and an exwife that has wisely not felt it is worth the effort to make my life 'unhappy'.

I have always had an intense interest in computers in the best amateur tradition .. bought an AtariST when they came out 'for the kids' and then an Atari MegaSTe for me . so you can guess at the chronological age if you want ..and I was a founding member of the only Atari hardware hacking group in the province (that anyone knew about).

Also, I am a LEO, so be careful... VERY careful !! 15evilgrin

My son went to college to learn websmithing instead of staying on the farm, and I am proud of his accomplishments: which means he has no time to help his dad to learn the ropes on making websites. I also have a short lived career in ad design from the '70s which gives me an appreciation for what is involved in designing a website.

I am here to learn mostly, share what little I actually know, and will likely be asking a lot as time goes on as I start building a website and marketing it to supplement my income.

We Go Smile
Welcome just to let you know it is never to late to RESET and learn new things and meet new people. Congrats to you for taking this step to a new you!
Thanks to bestblackhatseo I've learn a lot.

Thanks for the encouragement !! And congratulations on your first post to the site Welcome
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