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The hidden link in Post: #17 is just a picture. there is no software.

Do not waste your time clicking. There is no value there.

Can someone provide something useful like the crack or key.

Thank you. Looks like something I can use.
This software don't have crack file. Don't waste your time on this.
If you are having problems sending using 64 bit windows 7 you are using the wrong dll. You need to use ChilkatDotNet2.dll dated 8/3/2011
I keep getting: "Result:failure:ChilkatLog" when I try to send. Anyone have any ideas why?
After a lot of searching, downloading, testing and such I found a working one..

Here guys:

EDIT: Forgot to mention.. password as usual ;)
Why does it say 'Trial Version'? I don't see a crack and the license txt is empty....
Still not working, the craigslist mailer is still not working, please send me the cracked link and the password to download it.I also need craigslist autoposter, does anyone has the cracked working version.
(05-29-2012 04:34 AM)ronny007 Wrote: [ -> ]It is good
(05-29-2012 04:34 AM)ronny007 Wrote: [ -> ]good stuff
the software's creator stopped updated
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