05-20-2012, 12:00 AM
WP Lead Pro V3.0
Here's how to get the slider or static image to work.
Create a new category called: post-info
For this example, I'm creating a new PAGE called "Test".
In screen options, make sure "Custom Fields" is checked.
Under Page Attributes, select "Home Template".
In Custom Fields, select "post-intro" and value is true.
Save the page.
Go to reading settings and select "A static page" and Front page: Test and save changes.
Refresh your blog and you should now have a slider or static image (depending on what you set it up as in the theme options).
Just one thing, it worked without creating the new category or assigning the custom field to the page.
I just set the template to Home Template and changed the Reading settings as mentioned.
Worked like a charm
But yeah, I did create a custom field for the home page post though as per video 6-pagesetting.mp4
I've tried installing it a few times and still don't get the Menu to configure all the options.
Can someone re-up with a clean and full version?
Or does it need a key or something for it to work properly?
What happens when you click the Options link at the bottom of the left navigation panel?
Magic Button :
Here's how to get the slider or static image to work.
Create a new category called: post-info
For this example, I'm creating a new PAGE called "Test".
In screen options, make sure "Custom Fields" is checked.
Under Page Attributes, select "Home Template".
In Custom Fields, select "post-intro" and value is true.
Save the page.
Go to reading settings and select "A static page" and Front page: Test and save changes.
Refresh your blog and you should now have a slider or static image (depending on what you set it up as in the theme options).
Just one thing, it worked without creating the new category or assigning the custom field to the page.
I just set the template to Home Template and changed the Reading settings as mentioned.
Worked like a charm
But yeah, I did create a custom field for the home page post though as per video 6-pagesetting.mp4
I've tried installing it a few times and still don't get the Menu to configure all the options.
Can someone re-up with a clean and full version?
Or does it need a key or something for it to work properly?
What happens when you click the Options link at the bottom of the left navigation panel?