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Full Version: ColorZone,Wordpress Template
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[Image: 1336934819_colorzone-cover-550_thumb%252...imgmax=800]

Features Easy to use, with theme option panel.

Clean Design.

2 column layout.Left Sidebar.Tabbed sidebar for Popular post, latest post and comments.

Horizontal menu for the category.

Dropdown menu for sub-category.

Separated trackbacks/pingbacks from comments.

Gravatar enabled and can be customize (in theme option).

Support for threaded comments with nice design.

Widget Ready.

Compatible with wordpress 2.8.x and 2.9.x.

Easy Thumbnail Images With auto-scaling – no custom fields!

Demo : Click here
Download : Click here

Mediafire link is wrong, it takes you to the Toscano share, the one you shared on another thread.


Nope, still the wrong one...
according to your website, its this: (I've checked MF, this it the right one)


Reference URL's