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What Will YOU Do If Your
Paypal Account Is Shut Down?
…And How Should You Be Protecting It RIGHT NOW?

Hi, my name is Jay Boyer, the creator of “Amazon Cash Machines” and a Top-10 WSO seller on the Warrior Forum.

Let me ask you a simple question….Is your PayPal account safe?

Well I thought MINE was…until I got an anonymous email message from a friendly PayPal robot telling me that my account had been “limited” (which is a Paypal codeword for “You’re dogmeat, buddy…”).

First I thought it was a joke. Then I was convinced that it was all just a big mistake… And then I got REALLY SCARED.

Because I was pushing over $20,000 every month (accounting for 95% of all my total business revenues) through this single payment processor, and I simply didn’t have a “Plan B”.

In fact, I never thought I needed one.

I mean, sure…Paypal has been closing down random Internet Marketers and WSO creators left and right for months, but for some reason I thought I was “bulletproof”.

Boy Was I Wrong!

And to add insult to injury, Paypal had frozen thousands of dollars of mine in this “dogmeat” account for at least 6 months.

Needless to say, I thought my days as a successful internet marketer were completely over…kaput…finished.

But I wasn’t going down without a fight, so I took MASSIVE ACTION. Here’s what I did:

I contacted an awesome attorney (who just happens to be my Dad ;o)
I crafted a killer letter to let them know (very politely) that I wasn’t going to roll over and play dead.
I scoured the internet for the “secret” email addresses of every PayPal administrator and executive that I could find.
And 6 days after my account had been locked down, I cued up an email of this very same letter to a couple dozen of these PayPal bosses, hit the send button, and crossed my fingers.

And I waited…

4 Hours Later (I Got My Account Back!)

Well, I wasn’t waiting for long!

Because within 4 hours of shooting my letter out into cyberspace, I received an actual phone call from a very concerned Paypal supervisor from the Office of “Executive Escalations”.

…She told me this had all been a BIG mistake

…She assured me that I am one of their very BEST customers

…And she said that I now had full access to my account once again (yippee!)

The $5000 inside this account that had been frozen for 180 days was back in my virtual pocket, and I had actually been upgraded to “Preferred Member” status (go figure, right?).

And it was all because of this single letter that I sent to them…

When Life Gives You Lemons…

Okay, I know how lucky I am…Most people will NEVER get their Paypal account back once they shut you down.

And believe me, I don’t wish this experience on anybody…especially YOU, my valued friends and subscribers.

I have learned a LOT about the “behind the scenes” workings of Paypal since my account was limited this summer…heck, I HAD TO.

And my father has become one of the foremost legal experts of the Paypal Terms of Service as well…in fact, he just published a book about it!

At this point, the two of us are in a very unique position to help YOU protect one of your most important assets as an online entrepreneur.

So let me ask you again:

Is YOUR PayPal account safe?

Are you doing things “by the book” according to PayPal, or just whistling past the graveyard with your fingers crossed (like I was)!

Do you have the right kind of account in the first place?
Are you in full compliance with PayPay Terms of Service?
Do you know the account activities that raise a big red flag with the “PayPal Police”?
Do you know how to deal properly with refunds, disputes, and chargebacks?
Do you know what to do (and NOT do) if your account is ever limited?
Listen, I won’t hype you. I think the urgency of this situation speaks for itself.

Paypal is shutting down “good guys” just like the “bad guys” FOR GOOD these days…and offering NO explanation…and NO appeal.

I want YOU to be able to safeguard your own Paypal account, your business, and your financial future.

That’s why I created Paypal Protect, your all-in-one guide to protecting and keeping your PayPal account.

WARNING: This Offer is Time-Sensitive

You may have noticed that I did not release this product as a WSO on the Warrior Forum.

That’s because this is an exclusive offer available only to my friends and subscribers for a very limited time only.

I will in fact be taking this offer very soon, as it is a risk to my own PayPal account to be releasing this proprietary information to the general public (that’s why you can’t purchase it though PayPal either ;o)

So here’s what we’ve crammed inside this valuable course:

PayPal Member’s-Only Live Workshop: Featuring IM superstars James J. Jones and Darren Scott Monroe (telling you their secrets to keeping their accounts in good standing for over a decade) and Neil J. Boyer (the “Paypal Lawyer”)…get all your questions answered by the experts!

“PayPal Means Business” book manuscript: An exclusive digital copy of Neil J. Boyer’s new book, including in-depth look inside the mysterious “PayPal User’s Agreement” (and what it means to YOUR business).

50 Customized Paypal Letters: Here is the very same letter that I used to get my PayPal account back within 4 hours after mailing, including all the secret PayPal admin email addresses…”Done For You” and customized for all 50 states in the U.S.

Your Paypal Cheatsheets: These handy guides are perfect for quick reference, including “What to do if your account is limited”, “15 PayPal Account Rules”, and “How to set up your business”.

“Buy-Now” Button Generator WP Plugins: Use these awesome plugins in your WP blogs and sales pages to automatically generate both PayPal and AlertPay “Buy Now” buttons and shopping carts.

Your PayPal Protect Special Reports: 4 digital guides with easy-to-follow images walking you through the process of setting up your business account the RIGHT way, create and installing a Buy Now Button anywhere, generating a monthly sales report, and how to set up and manage invoices.

Plus much more (Bonus video trainings, Powerpoint walkthroughs, lifetime updates, etc.)


Magic Button :

Magic Button :

Magic Button :

The zip file supplied by Dealmein923, being more than 32MB in size, would not be accepted by Virustotal for analysis.

Kindly thank Dealmein923 for his generous share.
All of the links are dead. Can someone please reupload / create new mirrors for this? Thanks!
All of the links are dead because this thread is
over 2 years old!

Cap ;)

Fancy a GB ?
Elegant Themes - Lifetime Developer | WP Social - All themes | Optin Monster | Authority Pro 3 | Optin Links | SEO Design Framework | Ask Me ?
Guys click UPLOAD MIRRORS and choose Ziddu. Moments ago I downloaded the entire file from there. Rep to SEOKing and op 42rock
ebizmoney is correct that link is working for me right now.


Here Is A Fresh Mirror

Magic Button :

Enjoy Cool
Ebizmoney's method still works to get this:

click UPLOAD MIRRORS and choose Ziddu
I know this is old but I think the info is timeless can someone pls reup? thx
(03-25-2015 07:05 AM)explosive Wrote: [ -> ]I know this is old but I think the info is timeless can someone pls reup? thx

Not sure how timeless this info is, but I uploaded it for you anyway Wink
and you sir are a gentleman and a scholar (and you've also been max repped!)
(03-25-2015 08:04 AM)ptgptg Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-25-2015 07:05 AM)explosive Wrote: [ -> ]I know this is old but I think the info is timeless can someone pls reup? thx

Not sure how timeless this info is, but I uploaded it for you anyway Wink
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