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Full Version: Download Zenno.Poster.Pro.3.6.English cracked
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not working for me, anyone have zennoposter 4 ?
I tried this program and I have a problem.
I make the template in projectmaker but when i load in Zennoposter nothing happens:|

screenshot : [Image: zennoposter.jpg]
I tried this program and I have a problem
I make the template but when i load in zennoposter nothing happens

screenshot :
[Image: zennoposter.jpg]
maybe something wrong with the template.
try running some sample templates and see if it works..
this version works but zennoposter 4 is lot easier to develop bots in almost no time. 15 day trial is available of zenno 4.
maybe something wrong with the template.
try running some sample templates and see if it works..

Same problem .
thank you :)
Dead! Reupload please
Link is dead mate.
(03-01-2013 07:20 AM)GreenPeace Wrote: [ -> ]Link is dead mate.
Reuploaded :)

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