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Google Cloud | GCE Reliability Engineering using Terraform
Running production grade apps on Google Cloud GCP GCE with Terraform and SRE Reliability Engineering principles.
Rating: 4.7 out of 5
(50 ratings)
362 students
5 hours on-demand video
16 articles

Welcome to the Google Cloud | GCE Reliability Engineering using Terraform, the only course you need to get ready to be a rockstar Google Compute Engine expert.

Spotlight of the course is GCE - Google Compute Engine only. It does not touch upon other forms of compute i.e. GKE, Cloud Run, App Engine etc.

Before we understand what this course will teach, let's understand what it will not. This will NOT teach you the basics of the tools and technologies used - Terraform, Packer, or Google Cloud / Google Compute Engine in general.

What this course WILL teach you is how to APPLY the tools and technologies to make the most out of them.

Cloud engineering is all about automation; this course will teach you, how to use Bash scripts, Terraform and Packer to automate infrastructure provision and your app deployment.

In the real world, there’s no application that goes live in production, without thinking about reliability. This course will also teach you to apply reliability engineering principles to your ecosystem.

The course is packed with my industry experience in the form of 5hrs of lectures and videos on the topic.

If your goal is to clear a certification, maybe this is not the best course for you. If your goal is to get ready for working in production on Google Cloud for a client, and be productive day 1, you are at the right place - that’s my commitment to you.

The course takes you through a 10 stage journey of working as a novice to a pro level on how things are done in production.

- Stage 1 | Manual actions via GCP console

- Stage 2 | Enable logging

- Stage 3 | Use of Startup Scripts

- Stage 4 | Complete automation using Bash scripts

- Stage 5 | Automation using Packer built images

- Stage 6 | IaC | Provision infrastructure using Terraform

- Stage 7 | Create instances(VMs) from Instance Templates

- Stage 8 | Reliability Engineering | Managed Instance Groups(MIG)

- Stage 9 | Reliability Engineering | Load Balancer

- Stage 10 | Remove External IPs and configure Cloud NAT and DNS

By the end of this course, you will be confident about running/hosting any kind of app on GCE - Google Compute Engine.

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