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The Immune Resiliency Summit explores unique methods to help end fear and illness and replace them with tools you can employ immediately to live with more health, inspiration and resilience.

Resilience is the process of being able to adapt well, and bounce back quickly during or after times of stress.

During the Immune Resiliency Summit, a 5- day event, you will learn the latest breakthroughs in energy, gut, and Vagus Nerve health, from some of the world’s leading experts.

On August 19, Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., HeartMath Institute’s Dir. of Research will be speaking on Emotion: Affecting Immunity, Heart Rate and Steps to Calm the Nervous System.

Rollin McCraty will join host Jason Prall, Dr. Christine Schaffner, Lloyd Burrell, Melissa Sell and more than two dozen experts sharing their best practices to support your immunity on all levels and help you redefine resilience spiritually, emotionally and physically.


The team at Human Longevity has gathered two dozen of the most powerful speakers (and elevated, unique topics) to support you, including:

- Dr. Christine Schaffner: Resiliency and Health via The Vagus Nerve and Lymph System
- Lloyd Burrell: New Insights on the Impact of EMF, EMR and 5G
- Melissa Sell: New Germanic Medicine – How to Support Your Body’s Resiliency
- Jeffrey Smith: Navigating GMOs and Roundup
- Elisa Song: Creating Resiliency for our Children (Gut Health and Immunity)
- Trudy Scott: Brain Chemical Support For Easing Anxiety and Supporting Immunity
- Kiran Krishnan: A Resilient Microbiome
- Ari Whitten: How Light, Circadian Rhythm and Hormesis Can Optimize Immune Function
- Sachin Patel: Autonomic Pairing

And more...

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