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Understanding how to invest wisely for your future can be daunting. Many people never get started for fear of making mistakes. Others make choices based on hearsay and hope. In "We're Talking Millions!" you will learn why and how to make a handful of smart choices that can turn modest regular savings into a secure future. You'll discover "12 Small Steps with Big Payoffs," each of which can add $1 million or more to your retirement nest egg if you start in your 20s or 30s. These steps are well known. Now for the first time, "We're Talking Millions!" combines them into a single action plan you can implement in less than one hour a year. That could be the most valuable time you'll ever spend. Get started now!

Long-time financial educator/retired advisor Paul Merriman and co-author Richard Buck have boiled down decades of academic-based knowledge and experience to help Millennials and Gen Y'ers get started and stay on the right track of saving and investing for life using 401ks, IRAs and other simple investments like target date funds.

“This is an exciting new fact based investment approach, coming from authors who have earned the trust and respect of a couple of generations of investors. I wish I had had this knowledge when I was in my 20s.” — Larry Swedroe, Director of Research at Buckingham Family of Financial Services and author of "Your Complete Guide to a Successful and Secure Retirement"

“There is beauty in simplicity and in this new book, We’re Talking Millions! 12 Ways to Supercharge Your Retirement. Paul Merriman and Rich Buck have taken the complex world of investing and distilled it down to core principles that both novice and experienced investors alike will benefit from." — Tim Ranzetta, co-founder Next Gen Personal Finance

"The combination of financial literacy and discipline is so rare these days that it should be considered a superpower. This book provides a shortcut to obtaining both!” — James M. Dahle, MD, Founder of The White Coat Investor

"I have always said that investing is too easy to seem so complex. Paul Merriman and Rich Buck have managed to prove that point in this powerful and easily understood guide to building wealth. Their approach is so straightforward and simple that anyone can build a sensible, science-based portfolio almost immediately. Follow this advice and you could be “talking millions” in your pocket. —Don McDonald, co-host “Talking Real Money”, author "Financial Fysics"

"Whether millennial or boomer, understanding these 12 concepts can have a big financial payoff… We're Talking Millions! Paul Merriman and Richard Buck team up again to educate and motivate." — David Baughier, curator of Fiology

“Paul and Richard reduce the complexity of saving for retirement into strategies anyone can follow. Regardless if you are new to investing or have been investing for years, you’ll find suggestions for boosting your wealth with minimal effort required.” — Charles Rotblut, CFA, AAII Journal Editor and VP, American Association of Individual Investors

“Merriman and Buck have done a great job of giving a playbook for financial success that anyone can read and understand!” — George Grombacher, Host of the Money Savage podcast

“We’re Talking Millions! could be a young person’s Most Valuable Read (MVR) of their life, if they take action!” — Ed Fulbright, CPA,PFS, Host of Mastering Your Money

"Paul and Rich have done it again! For the last few decades they have shown investors how to create long-term portfolios for retirement, how to generate retirement income, and how to avoid costly mistakes. In their new book, We’re Talking Millions! 12 Ways to Supercharge Your Retirement, they help people of all ages with huge money decisions. Written in plain English with critical charts, this book will help anyone who wants to create wealth in simple, low cost ways." — Tom Cock, co-host “Talking Real Money”

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