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Full Version: [GET] The Consistent Trader: How to Build a Winning Trading System, Master Your Psychology, and Earn Consistent Profits in the Forex Market [Sam Eder]
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How to Trade Smarter Than Wall Street and Quants
By popular demand, the book version of the much acclaimed Forex Course for Smart Traders is here.
Most traders learn to trade the wrong way.
It's only years later they realize their trading system has been focused on all the wrong things.
Instead, save yourself countless hours and dollars by learning to trade Forex based on the principles and practices of history’s greatest traders.
Learn what really works and what doesn’t. It’s doing the simple things well that will yield the best results in trading. If you fail to master the fundamentals of successful trading, you are virtually guaranteed to fail long-term because of poor risk management.
In this book you will learn:
The 25 beliefs of highly successful traders and how to model them
The scientific path to financial freedom using a trading system that creates consistent profits again and again
How to develop a working model of the forex market that allows you to spot opportunities and avoid mistakes
How to get an edge and trade like the “house” without an algorithm or inside information
How to set simple objectives before you trade that let you risk less and win big more often
The formula you must know for proper position sizing and minimal risk
The key to developing a winning Forex system by understanding market types
d*** good Forex set-ups you can start using right now
How to stalk a “low risk / high reward” entry point
How your stops get hunted and what to do about it
Trading what’s in front of you with a complex exit strategy
Trading after the trade: advanced trade management techniques that keep you in winning positions
How to run your trading business like a hedge-fund
How to be mistake-free
How to avoid system death for good
How to develop the master trader mindset
The one secret the world’s top trading psychologist recommends
How to balance your trader, analyst, and risk manager roles
Constructing advanced position sizing algorithms
The 12 daily tasks of top Forex traders
How to get in the trading zone like an elite athlete
The essential keys to structuring your trading plan and executing your consistent trading strategy
Consistent Trading is the Key to Wealth
This book is not for everyone.Forex trading isn’t easy. For a few, those that do achieve mastery, it’s life changing. Success in Forex trading is not a mystery. It is a process that can be modeled by anyone willing to put in the time and effort.
It takes time, hard work and the mental flexibility to step outside your comfort zone.
No matter where you are in your trading it will take you to the next level. By applying the techniques and strategies in this book with patience and discipline you will grow and achieve mastery as a trader.
If you are interested in books like Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio, How to Day Trade for a Living by Andrew Aziz, The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham, How to Make Money in Stocks by William J. O'Neil, or How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market by Nicolas Darvas, then this book is for you!
If you want to know more about the following then scroll up and click buy now:
Forex and investments
Day trading strategies
What really drives the price of stocks day-to-day
Investing strategies for beginners and experienced traders
Technical analysis and trading tools

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