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Quantum Human Design Family Coach Certification
Build a Career and Make a Lasting Impact by Transforming the Ways Families Thrive in Today’s World

There is nothing that will transform a culture more powerfully than strong family units.

Yet, in today’s rapidly changing world, families are dealing with more than ever before.

With the constant input, the conflicting messages, and the weight of decisions that have to be made, parents are facing an increasing amount of pressure.

But the struggle doesn’t have to be so prevailing.

We know the power of Quantum Human Design in the lives of adults.

What if we could teach families how to leverage the same principles so they could create a unique parenting plan for each of their unique children?

What if we could give them the tools they need to address the most difficult behaviors that come up in a way that is perfectly suited for their individual children’s needs?

What if we could give parents the skills to do their own healing work so they don’t have to bring their past into the way they parent their children today?

[Image: We-CAN.jpg]


After years of studying child development, working with families, mapping out the foundations of Quantum Human Design, and raising 8 children of my own, I’ve put together the most comprehensive certification for those who want to make a career out of helping families thrive.

Quantum Human Design Family Coach Certification
The premier certification for those who want to build a business that serves families through the power of Quantum Human Design.

This certification is based on evidence-supported practices in the fields of child development AND Human Design.

Much of what you see out there in the world of Human Design—if not filtered through what we know about basic human development—can actually be harmful to children and lead to even more challenging behaviors.

However, when you bring these two worlds together, help build custom parenting plans, and support families through the process of implementing their plans, you have the incredible ability to make REAL change that improves the quality of life for EVERYONE involved.

Add to that our marketing and business development sections of the certification, and you’ve got everything you need to build a fulfilling, meaningful career as a paid Family Coach.

Inside the Quantum Human Design Family Coach Certification, you will learn:

Current evolutionary trends in children, including:

Common behavioral manifestations of children.
Common challenges facing families TODAY as they raise their children in a chaotic world
The impact that Quantum Human Design has on family structure and function
How to use the Family Coaching Model to support and encourage modern families
Foundational principles of child development and the development of the family, including information about:

Pregnancy and childbirth.
Child development and discipline; moving into a model of democratic parenting vs. autocratic or permissive parenting.
Misbehavior and its causes.
Chakra development in children.
Brain development and the impact it has on behavior, learning and communication.
Family developmental issues.
Teens and their unique issues.
The spiritual life of children and how it impacts development, sleep, and education. How to use various assessment tools, including:

Your intuition
DAT (Draw a Tree)
Quantum Human Design
You will develop a preliminary understanding of the Quantum Human Design system and learn to use it to:

Pinpoint potential areas of strength and vulnerability in individual family members
Teach family members to engage in respectful conversation
Understand the unique makeup of each member of the family to determine how to help them live in harmony
You will develop a preliminary understanding of the Quantum Human Design system and learn to use it to:

Right-brain learning strategies
Educational alternatives and options
The rights of families within the public school system​​

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