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Full Version: (((IMPORTANT))): How to absorb high info content courses quickly
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There's a lot of great stuff on this forum, but how do you cope with the information overload problem?

So many courses have long, densely-packed videos and it takes time and dedication to go through them all. Many are produced by people whose speaking style is difficult to understand or just downright annoying.

HERE IS ONE ANSWER: use NotebookLM from Google: a free AI tool that can summarise videos and provide answers to any kind of question.

a) go to

b) upload the videos - the only limitation is that they have to be less than 200MB each.

c) Once you've done that you can start asking questions:

eg "Please summarise the main points of this course, its purpose and the techniques it uses"
"Video 9 talks about traffic methods: summarise the essential details, leaving nothing out"

This is almost like having the course author with you, answering your questions.

I've found it incredibly useful in quickly getting to the heart of what a course is all about.

It cuts through flummery and waffle and saves so much time. Give it a try!
Thanks Bob. I 100% agree.

I have been getting into this lately as well. Still so amazing to see all of these resources free.

...and the podcast feature!
You can transcribe all the video using subtitle software. Put all the text into pdf. You can put like 50 document at a time to ask question based on the document. Create notes for each topic in your life. Then voila, you have all expert to answer question for you all the time.
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