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Full Version: why i cannot find thanks button
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why i cannot find thanks button

thats the one on FIRE!
Dear BBHF members,
Anyone asks this question, just refer them to this link from this day forwards.


Made by BBHF's member for BBHF's members

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[Image: Screen_Hunter_01_May_04_00_39.jpg]

This image was originally created by henrywpse. Thanks to him.
Guys this is what i noticed.
If the one who started the thread use hide tags.
Thanks button and Like button will appear.
But if you will not use hide tags. Only the like button is visible. Hope this help.
THANKS! ME LIKE! hahahahahahaha

BUT NOBODY CLICKS +REP ANYMORE! Kinda sucks! hahahahhahahaha
Nullbie I can see thank you button below your posts without hide.
lol, I couldn't find it also, until I google it and found this thread....
On post #3, I didn't post an image simply because the pic looks crap on Google Chrome as you can seen on post #4.

For those newbie who wants to get a practicing right now, you can visit the following thread:

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