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1. Books (ePUB + PDF)


2. Audiobooks


3. Cultivate the Mind of the Warrior with David Goggins – Mindvalley

[Image: podcast-episodes-david-goggins-the-mindv...odcast.jpg]

Magic Button :

Our suffering can become our superpower.

Are you willing to be uncomfortable in order to become the best version of yourself? Are you dedicated to embracing pain to discover your fullest potential?

David Goggins gets right to the root of growth; as a retired U.S. Navy SEAL and former U.S. Air Force Tactical Air Control Party member who took part in the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War, David understands how it takes embracing challenges and suffering to become the most powerful version of ourselves.

From earning a living from killing cockroaches to becoming a soldier and one of the top elite endurance athletes in the world, David proves in this episode that once a man decides that he’s dedicated to living the best version of himself there truly is no limit to what we can overcome.

“If I can overcome this, if I can find some power in this, some way to get through this, that right there could be the fuel for the rest of my life. And so I found great strength in suffering.”

In this episode you’ll discover:

• The “Lowest Me Mentality” and How to Overcome It
• Motivation vs. Obsession—and Which One We Want
• The 40% Rule and a Power Analogy of Heaven
• The Jar of F*ck and and Importance of Controlling our Morning
• The Cookie Jar and How to Create an Indestructible Mental Toolbox
• How Suffering Changes our Self-Identity and Reveals our Strengths
• Why Peace and Enlightenment is reached through Adversity and Suffering

“Without friction there is no growth.”

Hearing David’s fire and passion is exactly what we need to light our own fire and wake up to our potential. Don’t miss this interview!

Below you can find a list of timestamps with the systems and models presented in this training session .

• Vishen introduces David and sets the tone for the interview
• David’s life story and how he grew up in an abusive and violent home 03:22
• David turns his suffering into a Superpower and finds greatness 12:40
• How to use your mindset to push through mental barriers 29:32
• Getting hyper-focused and concentrating only on what you CAN control 33:04
• Keep going and aim higher after every accomplishment 37:34
• Face your dark side. Learn to deal with it and overcome it 40:25
• Recreate yourself into your own hero and be proud of YOU! 50:21
• Learn to listen to that voice inside of you that wants more from life 55:46
• David being unapologetically authentic! 01:05:06

Download Link:

Extra - Must listen to podcasts:
Magic Button :
David Goggins with Tom Bilyeu (Impact Theory):
• Episode 1: Reinvent your life in 57 minutes -
• Episode 2: F*ck Your Excuses -

David Goggins with Andrew Huberman - How to Build Immense Inner Strength:

David Goggins with Joe Rogan:


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