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Full Version: [GET] $500 ClickJacking Script Version VI (%100 Working)
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STOP POSTING "thanks man, great stuff" and similar thanks messages.
THAT IS WHAT THE THANKS BUTTON IS FOR, TO THANK THEM!!!! On other forums, people get warned and banned for that. All your doing is purposely increasing your post count and making it harder for people to find information because we have to weed through tons of "thanks man" posts. Hit thanks, that is all you have to do!

So many people clicked the thanks button, not even half of them posted. It has been 2 hours, so what is the status of this? People just download and run? Leechers!

Now that this forum is actually picking up speed (traffic) and getting more popular, it is complete chaos around this forum. Mods need to mod. and people need to learn how to properly post stuff around here.

1 person reviewed this. He said it was v6 when the latest is v8.. Of course this is version 6!!! That is what he said in the thread title: [GET] $500 ClickJacking Script Version VI (%100 Working) --> The "VI" is roman numeral 6!

So there are 2 questions:
1 - is the latest version (someone said version 8 or VIII) available nulled yet?
2 - does this version, even though it is 6 and there is an update, still work just fine?

PS: You don't "crack" php scripts, you null them. You crack computer programs (exe's).
how to use this script? somebody help me...
i also]best[b]black[/b][/url]]wan[/url]ts to know how to use this script? somebody help me...
If someone can provide the tutorial would be great for us..

Thanks anyway
Thanks bro..will try your tool
This is old V1 script and not V6. Here the footer: "SharePro ClickJack Script build 1
© Copyright 2010
Nulled by Foars"

For ppl who don't want V1 shit, don't download it.
I get the script working but the cj page can't hide after user visit/clicked the ads. Probably need to work out.
Does this script working and is it adsense and other ppc services safe??
no download link!!!
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