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Let me try this! Thanks for sharing. Reps added
thanks for the great share
Gold! Thanks as always.
Thanks so much
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing
I saw this mentioned in his Dangerous Ideas book. Always been curious. Thanks for sharing!
thank you so much
thanks for sharing
** REVIEW **

Again, Max REPs to OP for sharing this. It's probably one of the best books on LOA
I've read, as always written by the no non-sense Tony Shepherd, with the on-point writing
that I really enjoy.

There's nothing in it that isn't mentioned in most LOA books. But there are a few
ways that made it unique, mostly because he added some spin that worked for him.
But it doesn't mean this is all rehashed fluff. He has his unique process, still
built on top of solid LOA foundations.

What I love about TS is his works are often an awesome read. Quick to digest, easy to read.
LOA is definitely not something that aligns with his voice, it's surprising to see this product
alongside his other WSO. But nothing to complain, it's a great book.

I think the biggest selling point is it's being written by someone like TS who isn't a spiritual guru and
is not desperate enough to jump on a niche like this. Good read.
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