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But I'll
(Let Others)
Say It Again)

[Image: ice-screenshot-20240621-141538.png]


* You want to download any of the hugely sought-after "guru" courses that run several gigabytes in file size but your downloader chokes on the volume
* You want to stream television shows, movies and sports outside of your geographic location and not pay a dime for the privilege
* You try downloading an oversized file on Mega only to get hit with their "file size restriction" limit
* You want to use torrent files but the lack of speed on your torrent client makes downloading a nightmare
* You discovered websites that feature "free" downloads to marketing courses but --- (Oh, drats!) --- they're all on premium links
* You purchased a GB that has a few files missing and you don't know where to find the missing parts
* You regularly BUMP other people's REQ for products on this forum...or make REQ posts of your own
* Your money is so TIGHT it squeaks and you don't feel you can afford any resources at the moment!


I've gone on and on about the virtues of using a very powerful little app called a debrid tool. It's a program that strips away the DRM (Digital Rights Management) code that makes a download link virtually useless to anyone that does not have a paid account on the proprietary host server.

Real-Debrid is such an app.

Several people in the BBHF community have told me they purchased Real-Debrid based on a post I wrote recommending it and they were very happy they did.

Still, I continue to see REQ post after REQ post from people who want to burden others with the task of converting and downloading multi-gigabyte sized course files FOR THEM.

What they don't understand (or do they even care?) is that you cannot share converted links from your Real-Debrid account. So you're still asking someone else to spend time uploading the content of the converted files to a third-party host (Google Drive, Mediafire, Mega...?), which could still remove the links due to TOS violations. And could ban that person's account.

Not only is it smart to get Real-Debrid if you're always looking for black-hat type files. It's selfish of you NOT to.

Clearly, my advice has fallen on deaf ears.

I thought maybe it might sound differently coming from someone other than Layna61524. So, below, I present you with...


[Image: ice-screenshot-20240621-152038.png]

Magic Button :

Read some of the comments on that Reddit thread and you won't think twice about gifting this app to yourself.

I'm not an affiliate for this (or any) product but I absolutely 61heart Real-Debrid and I tell you this based on its value.

It straight-up WORKS.

In a nutshell, the best way to describe Real-Debrid is this: an app that removes file restrictions or limits. It strips whatever proprietary code makes a link paid/premium (inaccessible to anyone but a customer). It then creates a brand new, renamed file on its host server.

You can then use that link as easily as if it were a Mediafire or Mega link --- with absolutely NO PROBLEM.

To date, I use this app only to download black-hat courses, ebooks, graphics, magazines and such from premium hosted links on servers like Rapid.gator and other hosts that Real-Debrid supports.

I do a quick search for a course on Google using the URL of one of the popular premium hosts it supports. When I find a link to a folder (versus file, because I'm looking for the entire course with all file parts in one download) I then plug that Rapid.gator link into my Real-Debrid account.

Real-Debrid converts the link if the files are on the server. I then use JDownloader2 (or IDM if the file is of a smaller size) to download.

But Real-Debrid does so much more.

Some people use it to make quicker work of torrent downloads.

Others use it on their streaming device, which opens up unrestricted programming choices that wouldn't be available otherwise.

You can spend your life mucking around with all the free, online apps that CLAIM to convert premium links. They suck ostrich eggs!

But if you're looking for a debrid tool that does what it's supposed to, you can't find a better fit than Real-Debrid.

It's cheap. But I prefer to say economical.

Here is the price breakdown:

[Image: ice-screenshot-20240621-140411.png]

For example, depending on where in the world you live, you could plunk down a mere 4 GBP (Great Britain Pounds Sterling which is currently equivalent to $5 U.S. dollars) per month for your own Real-Debrid account.

Another (better) option is the longer, 180 day subscription. It's a mere 16 Euros ($17.12) for 6 whole months! Imagine how much you can download for half a year without paying another cent... until you decide to renew?!

Which is why I scratch my head (and other body parts) as to why more people on BBHF don't just get their own account.

With all the value you download freely on BBHF, surely you can scrape up a paltry 16 euros (or $17.12 USD) to download from a wide variety of premium links for an entire 6 months! Especially when the courses that most people want can easily be found in a simple Google search on Rapid.gator links.

Real-Debrid is such a great little app that those folks on Reddit wish people like me would just shut up about it.

Maybe they're right.

And maybe I will...after this last post.

But good things don't last forever.

I don't want the app to "go away" anytime soon, which seems to happen to apps and sites after too many people discover them.

The fewer people using Real-Debrid is better for the rest of us who already do.

So this is my last-ditch effort to tell you: Jump on the bandwagon or you'll miss a good thing.

[Image: ice-screenshot-20240621-140344.png]

Magic Button :

And here's a video tutorial I hope will help you to decide:
Magic Button :

There is still a lot for me to learn about Real-Debrid. I'll get around to it someday. But I am thoroughly enjoying all I do with it at the moment.

Like I said, I don't get anything from this whether or not you decide to cough up the mere pittance it costs to have it. Except that, hopefully, I helped to guide you to one more valuable tool to add to your arsenal.

for reading!
If you can't afford the cost of real-debrid, what are you even doing online anyway? Go without a Quarter Pounder with cheese one time for the month and you've got it paid for! You don't really need that artery clogging blood pressure rising junk at the Golden Arches anyway!
Thanks (again!) Layna! This is a great suggestion for folks who don't already know about it.

Based on your recommendation, years ago, I started using RealDebrid and have never had a problem.
@StillStanding and EuroTrader: Thank you both for chiming in. I have "spoken" about this tool (as have others before me) yet the REQ posts will still happen because people who want large files on premium links turn to other people to do the heavy lifting for them. Any tool this affordable that works as well as it does should be a no-brainer.

@Newbies: Here is a run-down of the resources I use to fill my hard drive with pretty much everything I want.

Since I have been a member of BBHF, I have made very few REQ posts and that's ONLY because I know how to use the search engines to find what I want. But in addition to that, I also have another arsenal of free and paid tools:

* MEMBERSHIP ON A FEW GOOD BLACKHAT SITES: In addition to BBHF, I have a membership (and different username) on a few blackhat sites. Babiato forum is among them. I don't belong to any blackhat sites where there are posts everywhere for a handout but no one is willing to lend a hand. It's good to have another source so that what you don't find on one BH site, you may find on another.

BBHF has its share of very generous, consistent contributors. On your behalf, I thank them because with their generosity, you wouldn't have a reason to be here.

* LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP TO COURSE DOWNLOAD SITES WITH LINKS ON THEIR OWN SERVERS: The one-time membership on sites like these (to download files forever) varies from site to site but is usually between $25 and $35. I have access to 3 or 4 of these sites. They host download links on their own servers so it is less likely to find those links taken down "due to TOS violations," as is commonly the case with sites like Mediafire or Mega;

* LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP TO COURSE DOWNLOAD SITES WITH LINKS ON FREE HOST SERVERS: The one-time membership on sites like these (to download files forever) varies from site to site but is usually between $35 and $65. They host download links on free (non-premium) file share hosts like Google Drive, Mediafire, or Mega. The problem with this is, members often share these links on blackhat sites and once heavy traffic goes to the links, they are taken down;

* FREE-TO-USE WEBSITES THAT FEATURE GURU-STYLE COURSES, EBOOKS, ETC: on premium (paid) host links (these are all over the web and most black-hatters already know the best ones);

* FREE-TO-USE WEBSITES THAT FEATURE EBOOKS: Sites like Library Genesis and Annas-Archive are examples. Most of the ebooks shared on BBHF, with some exceptions, can be found elsewhere on ebooks sites like these. There are tons of these sites, if you know where to look;

* AN EBOOK CONVERTER APP: Of course, there are free to use online applications to convert your ebook from one format to another. But I use ePubor Ultimate on a paid account. It's the best app I've used to easily convert ebooks from/to ePub, mobi, Kindle format and mobi.

Kindle regularly updates their ebook software however, it may be best to keep the latest version that works with ePubor's converter app. Sometime last year, ePubor couldn't convert ebooks on KDP due to their new DRM (digital rights management) code. It took many months but ePubor's wizards found the solution and everything worked again. Inside the KDP UI settings, you have the option to go back to a previous version or to click the box to ignore new KDP ebook reader updates. If you need details, check out the ePubor link below (you can also download ePubor Ultimate for free):

Magic Button :

* ACCESS TO A DOWNLOAD APP: Most of us use Internet Download Manager (IDM) or JDownloader2 (JD2). There are others. There is a paid version you set up an account on but I've also seen pirated versions shared on BBHF. Do a search here or on other black-hat forums to see if you can find it.

* ACCESS TO AN EFFECTIVE DEBRID APP: The only way to access a working debrid tool is through your own paid account. Now, there may be others that work well but at this point, I am only aware of Real-Debrid.

I used to have Deepbrid years ago but don't use them anymore because of performance issues I'm not entirely sure they have resolved.

Real-Debrid is the truth! And the moment I lose trust in them, you'll be the first to hear it. I can find RG (Rapid.gator) links for huge numbers of downloads with a single search and I rely heavily on Real-Debrid to convert them.

So there you have it. I've exposed my lineup of black-hat tools that make finding and getting downloads much easier so I don't have to burden (or rely as much on the kindness of) others.

With all the newbies flooding BBHF recently to ask for files but not having earned their community cred, I'm just asking them to stop a moment and learn the blackhat skills they need so they won't be so dependent on the rest of us.

With even a few of these tools, you will find yourself posting less for others' help in finding what you want.

I'd like to think the acronymn DFY stands as much for DO-FOR-YOURSELF as DONE-FOR-YOU.

And these resources can make you much more self-reliant so you can find more of what you want and, hopefully, begin to give back to the community that has been so giving to you.
I've got a Rap*dgator premium account, but once those credits run out, I'll go with Real-Debrid.
@JesseJames: Yes, please do that. I have read posts on sites like Reddit and other platforms where people with paid accounts on Rap*dgator premium will sometimes report issues with it, where none exist when using those same links in Real-Debrid.

Just the other day, I experienced a user limit in Real-Debrid for the very first time. I was beside myself... until I realized I had been downloading courses shared here by SlenderMan and many of those average a few GBs alone. 10rofl
Getting real debrid, based on Layna's suggestion was one of the best decisions, next to getting a VIP BBHF membership. Huge thanks to Layna, you go above and beyond helping everyone here with your shares and insight.

@greyninja: Congratulations! You're going to love Real-Debrid more and more every time you use it. And you earn loyalty points each time you renew, which will be applied to further reduce the crazy-low price you already pay for this nifty little app. So rev up your HD --- you now have a lot of high-quality content to download.

Thank you for the kind post and your double max reps for my recommendation.

I am happy to say that quite a few people have PMed me over the years to say they purchased Real-Debrid as a result of reading one of my posts.

@All: I use a few of the "tools" I mentioned in post #4 in tandem with Real-Debrid to find and download really valuable files.

Yet, the very best "tool" any black-hatter can have is the ability to use the search engine to find file downloads.

The images below show a few examples of simple Google searches like the ones I typically do to find what I want. I use the file host site (RG) along with either a marketing guru's name, their course title or a generic keyword that describes a niche category.

Check out these results...

[Image: ice-screenshot-20240627-070707.png]

[Image: ice-screenshot-20240627-071437.png]

In the two searches below, I added /folder to the premium host site to be certain I would get all of the file parts --- the total download --- in one link because the search engine will sometimes serve up links to individual file parts. That will require you to go looking for the missing file parts which takes time.

This search example below uses a guru's name with the file host site while the second one uses a descriptive keyword to define a niche...

[Image: ice-screenshot-20240627-071632.png]

[Image: ice-screenshot-20240627-072009.png]

You can do this all day with a list of gurus' names or niche keywords!

And the added benefit...?

Some of the results from your search that DO NOT point to a RG link directly will often lead you to a RG (or other premium host) link on a free-to-access file share site. So you get additional opportunities to find premium links that Real-Debrid converts.

And there you have it...I just showed you some of what you're missing by not having Real-Debrid. If this isn't enough to help you see the light, I don't know what else will do it for you.
Thanks OG, now i know what to do.
@Gr3atS4gE: Yes. And you won't regret it. 47happy
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