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Full Version: [REQ] Have you REALLY managed to make money?
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Hey guys.

I know this isn't exactly the right place, but I've tried posting in another area and haven't gotten the help I need.

Is there a place here where we can talk about the programs, the implementation, the strategies, what works and what doesn't - and find out what is REALLY making money?

I saw that the area for exchanging ideas is almost dead. I believe there are many here like me - who are after THE IDEA to make money, post after post, unlock after unlock.

I've been on this journey for a few years. I tried a number of things. Most with little or no return. The best thing so far has been my journey as a therapist and video editor, but it has nothing to do with passive income - which is what I need at the moment to have time and help my family.

Maybe if we had a good area to exchange ideas and tips, with the support of people who - I hope - are really making money, it would be wonderful for everyone.

I can delete this thread if you don't consider it relevant.

Thank you for your attention and this forum helped me - and helps - a lot. I will certainly become a paying member as soon as I can.
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