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member request

As you already know, erotic stories have the ability to get a woman turned on
pretty fast

There are two basic ways to use them.

Way #1: Convince her to read them.
Way #2: Re-tell the story (or part of the story).

The point is: I have said it multiple times (even though it's pretty obvious), it's in a guy's best interest to constantly get better at telling stories that have an erotic theme.

It can have the same effect as a woman reading an erotic story (or watching a sex scene).

(In those situations: She's going to imagine/observe a sex scene + think about what that would be like + remember a time when she experienced something similiar + other factors.)

It's really her own thinking that gets her turned on.

It's no different than if she decided to imagine a sexual fantasy.
Again: It's really her own thinking that gets her turned on.

So when it comes to the skill of getting a woman aroused...

Engaging her imagination in a sexual way
is one of the most important skills
you can learn/master!


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