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Full Version: [SUPER MANY THANKS] Slenderman's Positive Impact
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Appreciate Slenderman. He has taken sharing course stuff on BBHF to another level. The level of shares in BBHF mind boggling and dwarf other bigger forums.
The info are top notch. It's on on us to use those valuable info to make money.
Hey, everybody. It's Layna61524. I am still active on BBHF; only, not as much as I used to be, after a strange, unprovoked encounter with a cyber-nuisance.

But this is not about me. I'm here to add my congratulations to SlenderMan for his magnificent shares. It's incredible the amount of value he contributes to the community, single-handedly, in such a short span of time.

As for those who believe he may be a machine, I don't believe he's a "bot" because we have communicated via PM on several occasions and he seems very human to me.

The only thing I would like to add is that giving accolades where they are due is a noble gesture but at the same time, try to "go lightly" on him by tempering your requests. We don't want to overburden those who have proven to be generous; but I fully understand it's a no-brainer to seek out Slender's help because he can get files that no one else can!

When you consider how much goes into sharing a file --- doing the research, uploading it, preparing a post to share it --- it can drain you to be in such great demand. Now, multiply that by the number of requests he gets daily and that makes SlenderMan one busy dude. Of course, I'm only speaking for myself but the last thing we need to do is drive him away from BBHF.

So, congratulations, SlenderMan. You are highly appreciated and sincerely loved 61heart for your generosity and tireless efforts.
Slenderman is the REAL G, F*** tate
cyber-nuisances are the worst
Hall Of Fame..... No Doubt.....
Long Live Slenderman!!!!!!
Yes thank you so much @SlenderMan
A really hard working man! I love his sharings!. Thank you so much for everything.
SlenderMan, you are best of the best, Top Gun! Thank you so much for everything that you do.
Thank you so much for your generosity and tireless efforts in uploading and sharing the files Slenderman. You are truly an asset to the BBHF community.
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