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In 1987, author and journalist Barry Lynes revealed the long-suppressed story of Dr. Royal R. Rife, the San Diego scientist who cured cancer in the 1930s. "The Cancer Cure That Worked!" became a classic in the alternative health movement, reviving interest in Rife's lost therapy and exposing the role of the AMA in concealing Rife's treatment for cancer.

In "The Healing of Cancer" Lynes describes the promise of energy medicine as a truly effective healing therapy for cancer. He shows that the real task isn't the seeking of a cure, but rather the establishment of legal and political conditions which will enable physicians to use the cancer cures which have already proved successful. "The Healing of Cancer" is a challenge to the doctors, bureaucrats and businessmen who are letting thousands die of cancer each week while a cure exists. It is also a challenge to the average citizen to stop being silent while so many innocent victims undergo torture because of medical profiteering, outmoded thinking and a good deal of corrupt politics

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