too bad I missed this! PM me if someone has the download available!
Anyone re-up and make mirrors, this time, out of the heaps of comments here i see no mirrors, no-wonder the link died quickly. if its really popular, make mirrors, to ensure survival.
More than 80% of the posts out of these 29 pages of thread are:
"Thanks for sharing" "Thank you"
Only 2-3 reviews and no mirrors, lol
please make mirrors guys..
As EH3 said. if it's so popular, why not make mirrors. share the love
if useful please +rep, but if not you don't need to....
get the pdf only...(when i see a lot of reply from this thread i go to google to find some clues...

Here you are: [hide][/hide] to hide the link? hehe...please some hint for me... :D
Mediafire blocked split archive.
"The file you attempted to download is an archive that is part of a set of archives. MediaFire does not support unlimited downloads of split archives and the limit for this file has been reached. MediaFire understands the need for users to transfer very large or split archives, up to 10GB per file, and we offer this service starting at $1.50 per month.
We have informed the owner that sharing of this file has been limited and how they can resolve this issue."
So how many ppl are really interested on this course? File size is 681MB after compressed by 7zip
hi, i'm interested, thanks