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Founder Of Pinterest: Ben Silbermann: Collecting and the Everyday Taste maker

Let’s Break It Down…
- Many people have quoted Ben in stating ” It’s Mission Is To Get People Off The Site! ”
- Ben’s goals are for people to express themselves through their friends

Ben speaks about the behavioural patterns he saw has as he looked at the “Original” social media sites like Flickr, Youtube and blogger … where that people where continuously trying to make “Interests” and “Collections” personal, which had a serious culture of share through discovery.

With Pinterest, he isn’t trying to crowd source collections, but rather help others “Share Interest” in things through discovery.

“Increasingly people are discovering things through people, there are so many choices in the world, that now people are the only filter. So people are discovering things to “Buy” through other people. ” – Ben Silbermann

Ben’s comments directly to “Marketers” and “Brand Builder” : You’re sitting in a world where people are now the owners of your “Brands” .. You have less reach coming through traditional channels and you have to ask yourself ” HOW AM I GOING TO GET REGULAR PEOPLE TO SELF EXPRESSIVELY SHARE THE THINGS I WANT! ” ( Hint Hint )

… You see “Marketing” online is changing daily and if you’re not changing with it – You’ll not only lose you clients, buyers and partners but leave money on the table for your competitors to take! ( Michael )

What you need to understand is the following:

Ben was previously employed by GOOGLE in the Advertising Dept. ( Brilliant ) – Expect HUGE things from him in this sector.

Very shortly, the commonly known ” KEYWORD ” will have no value … Online Marketing and Sales – has moved the world where, customers “Search” for a “Description or Image” and then follow the path from there … Until they end up clicking ” ADD TO CART ” … Again I say Folk KEYWORDS will soon be more relevant then the wallet in your pocket!

Pinterit Section One | Pinterit Introduction
The beauty of Pinterest lies in its simplicity. The site harnesses the power of the personal referral. By creating topic-specific pinboards, you can organize and share the things you love with others, in a visually pleasing way. You also can browse pinboards created by other people to discover new foods, adventures and opportunities, and to get inspiration from people who share your interests.

Pinterest has opened an entirely new door for businesses to use the internet inside of traffic funnels and referral based strategies.
*As Pinterest Changes So Will The Course – Stay Tuned!

Pinterit Section Two | Let’s Discuss Top Brands and Other Relevant Topics
Top Brands and Case Studies:

Below you’ll find a bunch of case studies and people how have discover “Real” ways to use Pinterest. You may ask why is this relevant to Pinterit, understanding that people learn from Visually Seeing … We use practical application in our course, this will make it easier to see a result and purpose.

1)Pinterest Case Study: A Graphic Designer who Gets Direct Sales
2)Case Study: Integrating Pinterest With Facebook Sees 32% Increase In Followers
3)Here is An Example Of Selling Art on Pinterest ( Maybe Ebay )

ModCloth joined Pinterest in the fall of 2011, but it’s already one of’s top unpaid referral sites in terms of traffic and revenue. Why? According to Barnes, it’s thanks to “product photography and blog content that resonates with their audience.” ModCloth has approximately 7,000 pins tagged on Pinterest, and 99% of them are from advocates of the ModCloth brand and products, she adds.

Pinterest Case Study: A Graphic Designer who Gets Direct Sales
Posted on March 16, 2012 at 8:56 pm.Written by admin

Outside Source:

I’ve been looking for case studies of people who are making money
directly from Pinterest. I’ve found affiliate marketers who are (stay
tuned for more on this in a future post). Geoffrey is one of the first
to make money by promoting his products on Pinterest.

I’m not advocating that making money directly from Pinterest is the
holy grail of marketing. Just like making money on any social network,
it’s usually because you’re visible and people like you that you end up
making money. In other words, people see and like Geoffrey’s work so
they contact him for a design project. It’s rarely a direct sale
(someone sees and buys the product). But sometimes it is and that is
what this case study is about.

I interviewed Geoffrey Sagers (that’s such a graphic designer’s spelling, isn’t it?). He’s a graphic designer who got on Pinterest about
9 months ago. He just started to experiment with selling his work. He
didn’t set out to do it, but after people asked for copies of his
designs, he began to see the potential.

Geoffrey noticed quotes, which are super popular on Pinterest, but a
lot of them are ugly. He thought he could do better, so he started
making his own versions. Quotes do well on Facebook too (I didn’t ask if
Geoffrey has a page for his business). If you design a quote, it’s good
for a blog post, a Facebook update, a new product, and a pin.

When he was starting out Geoffrey wasn’t pinning his work, he pinned
photographs and things that inspired him. Things that gave him ideas for
his own business.

Pinterest is nothing if not a form of inspiration and enchantment.
There’s always something to be discovered. I believe in participating
from a mindset of sharing and connecting with whatever inspires you, not
from a mindset of how much money you can make. Although I’m not a
purist. You can use Pinterest any way you choose, or create multiple
accounts to use as you please. In fact, you could create a themed
account like this one that just showcases Facebook design services.

Of course someone can copy your work and take credit for it. Or
Pinterest could decide it’s theirs. But so far it’s worth the risk
Geoffrey says. You win some…but not all. Granted it’s not his full-time

Lessons in Fulfillment

At first Geoffrey ran to Walmart to print orders as they came in, but
that took a lot of time. He now uses Smugmug . I must say I hate their
shopping cart with the small buy button that you have to look for, but
that’s not the point of this story. The point is the quality is better
and he doesn’t have to do any of the fulfillment.

Appeal to your Target Audience – in this Case Usually Women

The majority of people pinning and repinning on Pinterest are women.
That does not mean that men or things that appeal to men can’t do well
on the site. It does mean that the majority of pins in most cases are
things that appeal to women. I like this. Most businesses like this
because you know, the power of the purse. Women make a lot of the
purchasing decisions for their families. Think educated, higher income
moms and grandmas.

My friend Karen says men are more reluctant to use Pinterest
because of the name. Her husband says it’s because men don’t pin things,
they nail ‘em. But it was started by a man (who launched Pinterest at Alt Summit, a conference in Utah that mostly women attend).

Timing – When to Pin

Geoffrey says if he doesn’t get at least one repin on his work, he
deletes it and pins it another time. Your pin appears as a new item in a
category for about 7-10 mins. So if you don’t get a pin in that time
it’s unlikely you’ll get them later. I’m sure there will be services
that do this but I’ve started to see people hiring for this task.

He’s found that the best times to pin are between 7-8am (before work or school), 11-1:30 (during lunch), and 6-8pm (after dinner).

Colors are Important Too

Again and again I see how colors are important. Geoffrey uses
pinks and red when the image is has a love or marriage theme. Otherwise
he uses blues or greens. If the quote is hard-hitting then he’ll use a
darker background image or grungy look. This could be a coffee stain
look or black. So that infographic you create might do better on
Pinterest if you change the color scheme.

End of my Long-Winded Post about Pinterest

I can write and write about Pinterest because I genuinely love it. For
many reasons both personal and business. I think it’s the most
accessible of the social networks. We’re always looking for the fastest
way to get information. It’s much faster to skim images than to read.
You don’t need to click to be whisked away into dream mode, you’re just
in it, bang. I also love how people love Pinterest.

Here’s one of the pins that got Geoffrey the most repins. You’re not used to seeing quotes like this on my blog are you?

Now you can pin this post.

Section Three | How To Set Up and Get Started With Pinterest

Okay, so in this section we are going to cover how to get invited to Pinterest, How to set up your account and get going.
Pinterest at the moment is a 100% Invite Only site, meaning unless you have an email from a friend inviting you to Pinterest … You can’t get access. So, knowing this … We have created a account to get you invited :0)
** Please do not change the password or anything within account, other people will be accessing it!

User Email: User Password: mike2011
Invite Yourself To Pinterest with our Account

Creating An Account With Pinterest
Before you open an account with Pinterest, determine what the account is going to be used for. Are you going to use it for Personal Branding ? Maybe Affiliate Marketing ? or Maybe your a business looking for Complete Brand and Interest Referrals. Either way, decide before you create your account as this is direct your “Username” and Profile direction. As we are Internet Marketers and Online Business Consultants, we’ve developed many different accounts grabbing Highly Relevant Usernames … You should do the same.

Setting Up Your Profile

In this video we will show you how to set up your profile so that Google and other search engines will grab it for indexing with relevant terms and linking. Remember, Pinterest allows for “Deep Linking” and everything inside Pinterest is “DO-FOLLOW” … Which means Pinterest is solely interested in directing people to YOUR site or Content. Brilliant for us!

Creating Relevant Boards

Creating boards relevant to your “Message” or “Profile” is key. People will begin Following you and will expect to see interesting pins from your account, which are concerning your theme. I.E. Martha Stewart –> People expect to see pins from our Home Decor Lines and Cooking Shows.

Advanced Featured of Pinterest

Pinterit Section Four | Creating a Successful Strategy for Your Business

Pinterest is a means for creating massive expose for your “ BRAND “ …
but you need to have a strategy in mind that will create the buzz or
Pinterest effect.

So, we’ve discover a serious proven formula that will work over and over again.

Step One: Create the Exposure by creating an Pinterest Account and
setting up your profile and descriptions properly that will relate to
your brand or purpose for using Pinterest.Step Two: Discover what Inspires or Drives your clients/customers,
you’ll then need to create desire for your service or product by posting
relevant pins or repining relevant pins. Comment on our pins that are
also relevant to your brand.Step Three: By doing the other 2 steps this with result in continuous traffic to your Brand Site, Blog or sales page.Step Four: Convert the traffic or referrals from Pinterest into customers and sales.
…. If you create a strategy around these principals you’ll have
amazing results with Pinterest. It’s also key to remember – You’re using
Pinterest as a means to referrals and traffic, do not spend all your
time within the platform!

NOTE: By commenting and following other larges brands, wholesalers or
clients that is skyrocket your business or service, you’ll been to see
more and more action on your services.

Understanding the Pinterest Effect
Within the Internet space, there has been a serious change in the
means in which people are buying or even when they are within a offline
store … more and more people are looking at what their friends and
family recommend or something that they seen within a social platform.
We understand this to be a shift from “SEARCH “ to more “ DISCOVERY “ …
Google, has to take note of these changes and make the correct means for
them to access a base still … So more and more people are referring to
what they see and hear … We have become a impulse world, which means
Pinterest is a serious means to this crowd.

Why? What people are recommending and “Pinning” will become what we need in our lives … Believe it or not…

Example: You’re seeing at home…either on the computer or with your
phone in hand. Someone checks in at a local restaurant … You get the
notification and what happens? You suddenly have a desire for that! This
happens more then you know in our world now!

Leverage the Pinterest Viral World

Pinterest allows you to put your Online Marketing on Auto-Pilot. Once
you create a “PIN” people will start repining for either a
recommendation or just for fun.
Business Strategy on Pinterest

Pinterit Section Five | Pinterest Action Plan

Key Steps for Massive Results

As mentioned in the other videos Pinterest provides you with all the
tools and successful means to capturing your audience within Pinterest.

…Remember thou, there is a ways to fail at this.
Pinterit Key’s To Success:

Proper Descriptions – Make sure to create Keywords Rich
comments and descriptions, as people search within Pinterest or
Google…You need to associate the description within the pin, board and
profile. Add Hash Tags, Pricing and Calls To ActionLinks – Remember to make sure that your links point in the direct of your strategy. Your looking for the end result “$$$”Use Video – if you have a offline store that sells real goods,
create videos and pin to Pinterest, this will allow your clients,
customers or prospect to build KNOW LIKE AND TRUST. They will also be
able to see something they like and visualize it more in a 3d manner
rather than a flat image.Pin your own content – Now this is key, you want to make sure your
posting more content from your BRAND OR SERVICE then repins or scrapped

Keys To Getting Repined
The keys to a successful Pinterest Campaign, is to gain major
repins. This is how we will get all the Referral Traffic and Followers.

Pinterit Key’s To Repins:

Sharp.Flashy.Feel Good. – We’ve found that people enjoy randomly repining things in which catch their eyes or make them feel good.Inspiration/Motivation – This should be a given, as
Pinterest in a Interest Network or Interest based. People will be more
compelled to repin or share you pins if it is something that motivates
or inspires conversions or action.Solution – People love to share things that they
think will help people that they interact with or have a relationship
with…this is very similar to Facebook. So by pin something that will
resolve in a solution for a problem…You’ll be sure to see interaction
from this.How To’s – This is something that we’ve studied and
seen great results with, it goes in connection with the above Key’s.
We’ve seen many pins/repinns from Informational images and Infographic
that provided education to the user.HUMOR – This is obv. Make something fun and exciting and it will come back to you.Pinterit Section Six | Creating Branding and Credibility with Pinterest

Establish Credibility and Expertise

This is actually more simple then you think, Pinterest proves a
means to establishing Expertise super easy. You can provide education
in board with Images that Teach, Videos that provide a solution or even
Info graphic that will compel them.

Depending on the your industry or service, you can create before
and after boards. Show your prospect or clients, how good you are what
you want them to buy or get from you.

Example: Staging etc

Tell your story about your brand or service, by using images and showing what they are missing by not using your services.

…. Before and After Images of a project.

… Grab an image of a crappy looking room and say it’s the competition, then have a side by side of your room.

Example: Behind The Scenes

Build trust and a community minded feeling around your profile on
Pinterest. You can do this by creating a board around your Customers and
how they interact with your Brand, Service or Products. This will allow
you to build the Trust Factors for your followers and future customers.
Incentive your customer to provide testimonials and pictures.
Pinterit Section Seven | Getting Followers and Building an Audience

Engagement with Your Audience

Followers are really important because you’re looking to build out a
large amount of people who will market your products and services.

- We are looking to create the Pinterest Effect as easy a possible for our audience

How do we do this?

By adding a Pinterest “Share” and “Follower” buttons to your website or blog
You can add the Pinterest Button from the Site or if you’re using
WordPress just add a FREE plug-in that is available in the resource
area.Integrate with Facebook – Post your pins on Facebook and funnel traffic back and forth.Leveraging your Email list, we show you in this course how to set
this up … you’ll want to make sure they know you have a Pinterest
Account.You can comment on other pins and follow them .
This is put you in front of the people interest in you.

Pin Planning

There is no one that has a clear understanding on when to post
or how many to post, but we will suggest not to BLAST OFF with your pins
and basically spam the feeds of your followers. Looking at results and
following other major brands patterns, we see that 5 – 10 pers
through-out the day seems to be a successful plan.

When creating boards, make sure to add a minimum 5 pins to activate
the board and fill the board preview. When your clients, customers or
prospect end up at your profile… you want them to feel that you’ve
completed that board and they have a reason to take a look.
Pinterit Section Eight | Pinterest Action Plan

Tracking your results is seriously key to the entire plan you`ve
developed with Pinterest. We need to understand what is being repined
and how many times. This will give you direction when creating more
contact within your boards and profile. You want to pin relevant content
that your followers are interested in and feel inspired by.

If you’re setting up a contest, discount campaign or something in
which it would be useful to understand where your traffic is coming and
how much has hit the end of the funnel. You’ll find that using tracking
like >>>[[[Reported by Members as URL Shortener! Post the actual link!]]]<<< or will provide unlimited amounts of information
for future campaigns or marketing strategies.

Make sure that your website or blog is taking advantage of Google
analytics or some form of this… this will provide you with usefully
information such has what pins are direction the traffic and how much of
it some flowing in.
Pinterit Section Nine| Bonus Section For Examples

in this section we will cover many different methods to using Pinterest for the Advanced Users.

Pinterest For Affiliate Marketing and Niche Marketing

Using Pinterest to generate a Traffic Funnel for your Affiliate
Business is a really easy. The users of Pinterest love to repin and
share, by doing so, they are actually helping you with your business.
They don’t think about it, they just do it – this is why the TOP BRANDS
on Pinterest have been so successful. Watch the video below to get an
understanding and see how we do it today.

Pinterest For Real Estate Marketing ( Example )

Pinterest provides a really great opportunity for Real Estate
Marketing and other similar niche marketing strategies. By adding
Pinterest into your Marketing Campaigns you’ll see serious amounts of
traffic flowing to your sites and also many people will begin to engage
with your “BRANDING”.

Watch this video for more information and how to implement this today.

Note: We will be uploading more examples soon. Stay Tuned

Some of the video link were broken. Use the summary content posted.
I need this. Lately i am trying to do pininterest marketing. This will really be a big help for me. Thank you.
Thanks man...
thanks, Let see whats inside
Great share! Put some use into the new link locking feature :)


1st Bonus:

Social Media Consultants Tips

As a Social Media Consultant, I manage a bunch of different clients Pinterest Accounts.
Understanding, that most Social Media Managers/Consultants are starting
to engage Pinterest in their packages, we wanted to had some
information that will help you sell your Pinterest managing services.

Even if you’re not currently managing other businesses Pinterest
Account, you can easily contact Local Businesses and with the
information we proven to you … got $197 – $497 to
activate and create Pinterest accounts. Don’t think that your services
are useless, must businesses have no clue about Pinterest so when you
walk in to door … YOUR THE EXPERT!

In our Facebook Marketing course we train people to get $497 – $2997
to set up Facebook Pages, now if they can hit winners in the range,
think about this bank you can make on Pinterest. With all the current
momentum and news coverage, you’ll be able to close your clients on

Tips on Closing Your Appointments:

1. Pinterest has already posted statics hitting more then 3 times the retention and engagement that Twitter had early on.

2. Etsy is Pinterest’s top source of photos. Google is second, followed by FlickR, Tumblr and

….Which means Google is indexing.

3. Pinterest accounts for more then 5 percent of
referral traffic, while Twitter is just barely ahead, accounting for
3.61 percent of referral traffic. In July 2011, Pinterest accounted for
only 0.17 percent of referral traffic.

4. Recently, Pinterest hit over 12 Million Unique Users.

5. According to AppData and Facebook, 87 percent of
Pinterest users are women in the USA, but the Male Category is growing
fast. Where as in the UK male users dominate the Females.

6. American Pinterest users spend an average of 1
hour and 17 minutes on the site. This is more time than users spend on
Twitter (36 minutes), LinkedIn (17 minutes), and Google+ (6 minutes).

7. Top Corp. Accounts:
  • Etsy (53,784 followers)
  • Real Simple (34,517 followers)
  • HGTV (17,824 followers)
  • Kate Spade (16,371 followers)
  • Better Homes and Gardens (15,127 followers)
  • Whole Foods (14,217 followers)
  • ModCloth (11,813 followers)
  • West Elm (11,547 followers)
  • Nordstrom (9,886 followers)
8. Estimated unique visitors to increased by 500 percent between September and December of 2011.

9. Daily Pinterest users increased by more than 145 percent since the start of 2012.

10. More than one-fifth of Facebook-connected users are on Pinterest daily. This represents more than 2,000,000 members.

11. In May 2011, an average Pinterest visitor spent
13.7 minutes per month on the site. In January 2012, each Pinterest
visitor spent an average of 97.8 minutes per month on the site.

12. Most Pinterest users live in these states:
  • Mississippi
  • Alabama
  • Kentucky
  • Tennessee
  • Minnesota
  • Iowa
  • Missouri
  • Nebraska
  • South Dakota
  • North Dakota
13. In the United Kingdom, the majority of Pinterest users are male (56 percent male, 44 percent female).

14. The top items on Pinterest in the United States
are crafts, gifts, hobbies/leisure, interior design, and fashion

15. The top items on Pinterest in the United Kingdom
are venture capital, blogging resources, crafts, Web analytics, and

Pinterest has a huge “Brand Issue” right now, which means … You can
move in and take over with your clients and generate some serious
revenue streams.

There are many profile names that have taken the name of well-known brands. Here are some examples:

Why does this matter ? … You can create a sense of urgency for your
clients to nail this breast fast before someone else grabs it.

… Plus don’t expect there to be such low policing for long, Ben has
already started to grow how tech base and interns. Meaning, soon we
will not have as much freedom!

Our Martha Stewart Example

[Image: martha-image.png]

More Examples of Pinterest Referral Traffic

[Image: pin_stats_local.png]

Thank you! :D
Very pinteresting .. (y)
2nd Bonus:

Market In The Food Niche

Pinterest shows that “Food” is one of the Seriously Top Niches
and Shared Interest. Fact is, food lovers were among the first on
Pinterest; they saw the benefits of pinning instead of clipping recipes.
These foodies used boards to plan dinner parties, collect holiday
baking ideas, and create their own virtual cookbooks.

Now, if you’re not in the “Food” Niche and don’t have clients cross
that path, then why would this matter you …. Simple, Affiliate Links and
Affiliate Blogs!

As we showed you in the course, you can generate traffic and commissions with this Topic all day long.

Here are eight tips and best practices to get you started.


Offer helpful advice and useful ideas that your followers would find valuable. Cooking Light,
one of the Food Stars on Pinterest, has created a series of boards that
feature timely holiday recipes, seasonal menu ideas and how-to cooking
techniques, along with DIY projects and kitchen resources. Most content
originates from, which has made Pinterest the most
important social media referral source for the site, according to
Allison Lowery, who manages Pinterest for the magazine. Cooking Light was also quick to add “pin it” buttons to all online recipes to make it easier for readers to pin to Pinterest.


Pinterest was made for visually becoming interested in something. Grocery delivery service Peapod
tells a tale with its “Delivery Trucks” board. The pins share images from the
road by showcasing the various trucks in transit. One truck got stuck
in an NYC blizzard; another donated food in Connecticut as part of
Peapod’s Kids Give Back program. A separate Pinterest board provides the
back stories of Peapod’s delivery truck drivers.


As you learning in the core of the course, this is seriously
something that you need to take advantage of on Pinterest. Contents are
Fun, Engaging and become addictive for the users.

Several food brands have achieved success with “pin and win it” contests on Pinterest. Saveur
created a dinner party pinboard contest, asking pinners to build a
dream dinner party on their own boards using at least three recipes from Participants tagged pins with #saveur and #dinnerparty to
help extend the reach (the hashtag searchability function of Pinterest
is similar to Twitter). The winner will be featured on
Similarly, Relish
created a three-day “Pinathon” to see who could pin the most content
from to win prizes. Before launching a contest, be sure to
consult Pinterest’s terms of use.

Core Values

Create boards that showcase the lifestyle your brand represents, not simply the products it sells. Whole Foods
one of the first food brands on Pinterest, features boards on
gardening, recycling and fitness. You’ll also find pins of inspiring
kitchens and art projects, along with faces impacted by the Whole Foods
Foundation, the grocery chain’s charitable group, which addresses world
poverty and hunger.

Be Pinnable

Ultimately, Pinterest is all about visual content, so be sure your
site has quality images worthy of pinning. Each online recipe and
article needs some type of image, or it’s virtually unpinnable.
Flash-based websites are also unpinnable. On the other hand,
infographics are popular on Pinterest; consider ways you can convert
your written content into an infographic. Install a “pin it” button and
“follow me” badge on your site, and be sure to promote your Pinterest
account across your other channels. Include key words in the description
of your pin to increase your searchability, and recognize users who pin
you by to see where your pins are showing up.

great sharing.. thanks :)
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