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Full Version: [REQ]Marshall Sylver's - Irresistible Influence Audio Series
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Marshall Sylver's Irresistible Influence Audio Series

[Image: MArshall.png]

Today, I stumbled upon this guy at BBHF, so I decided to do a quick search for him on YouTube. Lo and behold, I found his free webinar and decided to give it a watch. Let me tell you, I was pleasantly surprised. He has this undeniable charisma, knows how to sway opinions effortlessly, and his voice? It's like younger Jordan Belfort. The voice modulation was perfect. We had sales courses of his, but the links are dead. I wonder how good that might have been.

I believe some folks here aren't too fond of him, and I believe they might have a good reason for that. But let's not dismiss what he is teaching just because of his reputation.

Bump Bump. Anyone got this?
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