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Want to live a better life but feel overwhelmed? Longevity is achievable without sweat, without strict elimination diets, or pounding the pavement until you’re too sore to enjoy the rest of your day. Good news—living a longer and healthier life doesn’t need to be complicated.

Join the thousands of followers who rely on Dr. Howard J. Luks, a board-certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in Sports Medicine, to empower them with straightforward, actionable longevity strategies. Author of the blogs on his incredibly popular website,, he’s compiled his wisdom into Longevity…Simplified: Living A Longer, Healthier Life Shouldn’t Be Complicated, an easy-to-read guide that tosses out the myths and clears up the truth behind living longer. As you read this book, you will:

Understand the science behind the recommendations for living a longer and healthier life
Understand that all our bodies’ systems are interconnected and rely on one another.
Connect all the dots to poor metabolic health and take practical steps to reverse this path
Recognize that fear doesn't need to be your reality
Recognizing that most people view “exercise” as unpleasant work
Stop going down “rabbit holes” of false information
Realize you don't have to change as much as you think

In Longevity…Simplified, Dr. Luks explores:

Longevity goals and why they’re essential, and achievable, regardless of your age
How your metabolic fitness affects your risk of most chronic diseases that lead to our demise.
Why metabolic health is your key to a longer health span
Delaying dementia
Heart (cardiovascular) health
The importance of sleep
Nutrition for longevity
The benefits of exercise
Why exercise doesn't need to be sweaty and painful
How to increase your fitness and track your progress
Muscle strength for longevity

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