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Full Version: [ERROR]uBot Studio 4 Admin Edition Beta ncrack
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Hey all

I just got the UBOT 4 admin edition beta crack from a friend ( that has supervip ) and I've done all that it's required for it to work.

Installed the bot, copied the files to users/bla bla and applied the crack.

But at the login screen I get "there is no user with that username" bla bla Angry

Anyone knows a way to get past that ?

Appreciate it !
I mean no one ?

A super vip that tested it ? Any resolves...?
uBot Studio 4 beta admin crack not working bcoz of username and password.
d***...and it's such a good software..too bad it isn't working 0.0
I don't mean to be rude.
But why is a SuperVIP member giving a non VIP member a share from the VIP section in the first place?
@ Omega

i also want to ask this but i dont,
its not good to share vip stuff to normal members.
I have it too, I believe the thread was originally posted in the public section by accident. Could not get it to work either
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