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A detailed account of Rife's inventions and discoveries is the subject of The Cancer Cure That Worked. This startling book documents events from 1913 to the time of Rife's death in 1972. Rife was an optical engineer and technician of great skill. His first success was the building of the Universal Microscope in the late 1920s. With it he was able to view the living cancer virus -- a feat our modern, high-powered electron microscopes still cannot do. His microscope used many quartz prisms and lenses, placed to compensate for losses of refraction due to air. This enabled him to view far tinier particles than had ever been seen before.

Using the Universal Microscope which he invented, he observed cancer viruses as they changed their size and form. He discovered that exposing a virus to certain frequencies of radio waves killed it quickly. Years of experimentation led to Rife's invention of the Frequency Instrument, a device that produced the exact frequencies needed to destroy various viruses.

In 1934 at the clinic in California, diseased people were exposed to the exact same frequencies that had been seen (through the microscope) to destroy the virus causing their illness. Treatments lasted only three minutes. The person would wait three days before another exposure giving the lymph system time to cleanse the dead virus from their bodies. Unlike the chemotherapy treatments currently in use, Rife's therapy was 100 percent effective and engendered no adverse symptoms.

Yet, 53 years after the arrival of Rife's Frequency Instrument, hundreds of thousands of people still die each year of diseases that Royal Raymond Rife cured.

Thanks for the share.

After all these years I wonder why no one has been able to duplicate
Rife's frequency generator and get the same results.

The frequencies Rife used are known. There are people who
try to build a similar machine but I have never heard of any consistent

I know the FDA would never approve such a device especially if it cured
100% of cancers. It would threaten a trillion dollar cancer industry.

But if a person really had a cancer cure, they could set up a clinic in Mexico
right next to the US border (like Tijuana) and draw patients from the United States.

Has anyone seen a Rife instrument (or any cancer treatment) that really works
to cure cancer that can show reasonable proof and isn't just marketing BS?
Thanks for this share SS

Agree with zorro305, Rife's frequencies and such things which can cure such diseases are hidden or not approved by FDA so as to benefit billion dollar pharma mafia
Thanks mate for share!
Thanks for sharing. rep,
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