04-21-2012, 01:32 PM
Current Bot Stats
Stats Last Updated at
April 17th 2012 10:00:25 PM GMT-5
Oldest link last checked 9 days ago.
Newest/rechecked links are in real time. These stats are updated every 30 minutes
Stats Last Updated at
April 17th 2012 10:00:25 PM GMT-5
- 144,761 auto approve and track back links
- 113,190 found auto approve comment links
- 9,475 unique auto approve comment domains
- 3,010 found auto approve dofollow comment links
- 276 auto approve dofollow comment domains
- 31,571 found trackbacks
- 4,841 trackback domains
- 1,054 found dofollow trackbacks
- 213 dofollow trackback domains
- 90,308 urls tried
- 1,828 new auto approve urls added
- 354 new auto approve trackback urls added
- 7,837 urls rechecked and are still auto approve
- 6,893 urls rechecked and are no longer auto approve
Oldest link last checked 9 days ago.
Newest/rechecked links are in real time. These stats are updated every 30 minutes