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Have you been affected by the recent layoffs at Netflix, Meta, Thrasio and other tech companies?

Or maybe you're looking to transition from corporate, consulting, or another industry?

Perhaps you're a recent grad looking for your first job?

No matter the reason, you're finally ready to level up and get a six-figure job in tech.

But you already know it's a highly competitive landscape.

The most talented employees all over the nation are leaving their high-stress, lower paying jobs to start a career in tech

And you can't blame them.

Tech jobs have flexible hours, allow for remote work, have a budget for office snacks.

Plus the average salary is $101,000 per year.

The ultimate dream!

So you know you want to work in tech.

You also know you can prove your worth. You work hard. You're smart. And you're great at Zoom calls.

But how do you actually get your foot in the door?

And more importantly, how do you stand out against the thousands of applicants?

If you're ready to get your first handful of interviews, I've got a proven blueprint for you.

Day 1 - The Search Strategy

Learn my personal operating system for finding jobs that are the best fit for your own experience and skill set

You'll put together a list of 20+ dream companies to reach out to and learn how to get their contact info

Day 2 - Bespoke Pages

No more boring resumes and cover letters - deliver your qualifications in the most unforgettable way

Duplicate my template to build a unique webpage for each company you're applying to

Day 3 - First Impressions Matter

This is the approach that gets founders and hiring managers excited to get on a call with you.
Send out an unforgettable message with the unique outreach method I've used to book interviews and meetings with hard-to-reach founders
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Another bump
Wednesday bump
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