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Sometime ago, decades ago, I came across a snippet of a Cayce reading that stuck with me.

Here's the snippet, I think it was published later as Edgar Cayce Quotations and Similes:

"For so long as there is life, there is hope. So long as there is hope, there is possibility. So long as there is possibility, love may better direct rather than hate."
Edgar Cayce reading 3647-1

Just now, today, I wanted to know the full story about the the reading.

There are five sections to most if not every reading:

Background of the reading - Usually correspondence (mail) before the reading - questions to be asked etc.

About the reading - Time date location etc.

Text of the reading - The actual reading.

Index of the reading - Usually notes and external information related to the reading, a reference to a book, article, bible phrase etc.

Reports of the reading - Reports after the reading.

I will post each section for the reading 3647-1.

It's like stepping back in time and being right there and if someone is in the same or similar situation it could be helpful to know the advice given as it may apply to someone near or far to you.

Remember, Cayce was unconscious while giving this information and wouldn't remember anything once he woke up.

Background Of Reading 3647-1


10/29/43 [3647]'s letter:

..., Virginia Mr. Edgar Cayce % Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.
Virginia Beach, Virginia Dear Mr. Cayce:

I have reached one of the "dark places" in my life and need very much your expert advice.

I read the article in Coronet Magazine and later sent for some of your literature and also bought "There Is A River" by Mr. Thomas Sugrue.
This is a wonderful book.

For two weeks I have been unemployed and I do not know what is the best thing to do. I was so very unhappy where I was employed for thirteen years that I very suddenly gave it all up.

I want to know my mission in life, what work I should follow from now on.

What City and State should I live in for my health, happiness and success. (Remember you were told for yourself - Virginia Beach, Va.)

Should I live with my people or apart from them?

I will be humbly grateful if you will be able to get to my reading soon.

To know just what is the right thing to do at the present time would be splendid.

Thanking and blessing you, I am,
Yours very truly, [3647]

P.S. Enclosed please find check for $20.00 and application.

I did not have it witnessed by anyone because I do not like people telling my business.

I heard of you thru Coronet Magazine article.
I do not know whether I am supposed to ask these questions or not but these are the things that worry me very much. I am resting at home until I hear from you.

11/4/43 [3647]'s letter:
..., Virginia Mr. Edgar Cayce Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.
Virginia Beach, Virginia

Dear Mr. Cayce:
I thank you very much for your kind letter of November 1st stating that you have booked me for a reading on January 25 from 3:30 to 4:30 EWT.

I am deeply distressed that I could not get an earlier reading - for I do not feel that I should stay without work until that time and I did want to hear from you before again seeking employment. However - I accept the time with grateful thanks and will try to be quiet and read or meditate at that time.

Calls are coming in for work so I will take the best and continue my office work until I get your reading, which I feel sure will put me on the right track.

I will work on my questions and send them in on time.

Enclosed please find a check for $1.30 for a few of your booklets. I expect to order more later.

Thanking and blessing you, I am,
Yours very truly,

1 Booklet The Last Supper .25
1 " Meditation .25
1 " The Essenes .50
1 " Child Training .10
1 " The Common Cold .10
1 " Life Readings .10 Total $1.30

1/3/44 [3647]'s letter:
Dear Mr. Cayce:
Thank you so very much for your beautiful Christmas greeting.
I prize it very highly.

When you give a reading for me on Jan. 25, 1944 please ask the following questions:

1. What is my mission in life - my life work; is it along business or artistic lines? Please give definite instructions how to contact this work.

2. What city and state should I live in; the one best suited to this work and best for my health and happiness.

3. I admire well-educated, kind and refined associations, those whom I would be proud to work with. For my happiness I require clean, airy, light well-heated place in winter and air-cooled in summer; good hours and good pay. Noisy, rude people upset me very much.

4. Should I continue to live with my people or provide private quarters of my own? All my life I've had sickness and family worries on my mind which at times upsets me in my daily work.

5. I want a few good true and loyal friends. For the last 15 years I've worked so hard and yet the friends I need and long for still seem far off.

Where have I failed in my friendships?

How can I contact the proper ones? Neither business or church associations have worked out for me.

6. What about my crochet work? Will it bring me a living?
If so, to whom shall I go for best results?

Mr. Cayce I seem to do a number of things well. For 29 years I've worked terribly hard in the business world and earned good money but have been so unhappy.

If you could see what happened on Oct. 15, you would understand.

My earnest prayer is that thru your wonderful gift my life-pattern will unfold for the good of my family and myself. I seek happiness and prosperity for us all.

God bless you!
Thanks a million!
I can hardly wait for my reading.
Sincerely, [3647]

About Reading 3647-1


TEXT OF READING 3647-1 F 48 (Bookkeeper and Typist)

This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 25th day of January, 1944, in accordance with request made by
the self - Miss [3647], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.

Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
(Notes read to and transcribed by Jeanette Fitch.)
Harmon Bro.

Born April 20, 1895, in Hampton, Virginia.
Time of Reading
4:30 to 4:50 P. M. Eastern War Time. ..., Virginia.

Text Of Reading 3647-1


EDIT: Note, the numbering was added for archival purposes after the reading and was not spoken.

I manually added the numbers as it matters when comparing to the Index of the reading.

1. GC: You will give the relations of this entity and the universe, and the universal forces; giving the conditions which are as personalities, latent and exhibited in the present life; also the former appearances in the earth plane, giving time, place and the name, and that in each life which built or R******* the development for the entity; giving the abilities of the present entity, that to which it may attain, and how. You will answer the questions, as I ask them:

2. EC: Yes, we have the records here of that entity now called [3647].

3. The entity has misapplied its ability in the greater portion of its activities in this present experience so far.

4. Here is an entity who should apply its talents, its abilities, to be patient, kind, gentle, longsuffering, in that direction of nursing - while the application has been in those things that have produced rather antagonism in the sentiments of the entity.

5. In analyzing the records here, and in giving that which might be helpful in aiding the entity to fulfill those purposes in the present sojourn:

6. First, we would give that the body turn about in its application of itself to those channels and outlets in which it may contribute to and advise with, be patient with and help those who are in varied stages of unfoldment, in a mental and spiritual application of tenets and truths that constantly give individuals hope.

7. For so long as there is life, there is hope. So long as there is hope, there is possibility. So long as there is possibility, love may better direct rather than hate.
And love is God. If God is present, there may be brought opportunities for all, as well as for the entity, in whom such manifestations may be made manifest.

8. Astrologically we find Venus, and Jupiter, Mars and Uranus as portions of the experience.

9. In Venus we find the love, patience, kindness, gentleness, as well as the appreciation of beauty, the appreciation of the try - even in those who are very easily given to self-indulgences in any form that only wreck self or may even wreck others in their appreciation of their own individual selves. For when an individual entity or soul has lost its faith in itself it is miserable.

10. The entity may encourage others. Do that; gently, kindly, patiently, as only those may do who are well trained in purpose, hope, in body and in mind as the nurse, as the instructor or director in regard to such experiences in the lives of others.

11. Let the entity, then, do such.

12. In Jupiter we find the benevolent influences, the patience, the influences wherein the entity may also apply self and thus the hope and purpose within self may be bound to that individual cause to which the entity may set itself.

13. For as indicated in Uranus, that to which the entity sets its head to do may be really accomplished if it undertakes such.

14. As to the appearances in the earth we find that these have been quite varied.

15. Before this the entity was in the land of the present nativity, during the early settlings.

16. The entity was among those in Jamestown Island, being of the second group to come to that portion of the land.

17. Then in the name Charlan Cardney, the entity contributed much to the comfort of many who were under the disturbances of the environs without the full appreciation for the needs of cleanliness about the camps, showing how that the lack of it brought disease and discouraging forces. For cleanliness is indeed next to Godliness.

18. The entity added to the comfort and the growth of those associations in family ties.

19. Before that the entity was in the Persian land during those periods when there was the breaking up of organized efforts in the teachings of women, next to the last of the Midian kings.

20. The entity was a pupil when the nomads broke up the school.
The entity was among the few who escaped and was carried into the land of the tribespeoples.

21. Later the entity became associated in the 'city in the hills and the plains' through those activities of that teacher who attended the efforts of several groups in that particular period.

22. Then the entity aided in administering to the needs of those afflicted, those ill in body and in mind, and in the application of those tenets of the teacher, as well as of those who aided others in being very good company for themselves. Not everyone, as the entity may know, is good company for himself. For he would at once get into mischief or soon become so morbid as to be a disturbing factor in the experiences of others.

23. Before that the entity was in the Egyptian land when emissaries were sent to other lands.

24. The entity was among those who were prepared for such work, and yet the entity never completed its task.

25. Hence the entity in the present will find itself only ready to change in an environ when there has been that conviction that it is needed for the expansion of the whole purpose of any group with which the entity may be identified.

26. Study, then, to show thyself approved unto God, a workman not ashamed, rightly dividing the words of truth and keeping self unspotted from the world.

27. Condemn not and ye will not be condemned. Bless, not merely those who bless you, but all of those who would seek truth, knowledge, understanding.

28. Ready for questions.

29. (Q) What is my mission in life - my life work?
(A) As indicated, it may be better fulfilled in that direction of administering to the ill.

30. (Q) Give definite instructions how to find this work.
(A) Commence! Or train for same.

31. (Q) What city and state should I live in; the one best suited to this work and my health and happiness?
(A) Wherever the entity may choose.

32. (Q) How can I get well-educated, kind and refined associations?
(A) Read the Book, if you would get educated. If you would be refined, live it! If you would be beautiful, practice it in thy daily life!

33. We are through.
Copy to Self " " Ass'n file

Index Of Reading 3647-1


Astrology:Jupiter Par. 12
:Uranus Par. 13
:Venus Par. 9
Attitudes and Emotions:Inferiority Par. 9
:Love Par. 7
:Self-Confidence Par. 9
:Self-Indulgence Par. 9
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations:118-b Par. 17
:119-a Par. 17
:308-a Par. 7
Bible:Books Of:James 1:27 Par. 26
:II Timothy 2:15 Par. 26
:Study:General Par. 32-A
Books:Educational:Bible Par. 32-A
Environment:Locality:Choice Par. 31-A
Incarnations:America Par. 15--18
:Egypt Par. 23--25
:Persia:Uhjltd Par. 19--22
Karma:Talents:Nursing Par. 17, 22
Soul Development:Application Par. 32-A
Vocational Guidance:Nursing Par. 4, 6,
<b>10, 29-A, 30-A
Work:E.C.:Quotations and Similes:
"Condemn No One" Par. 27
"If Ye Would Have...Give..." Par. 32-A

Reports Of Reading 3647-1



On this reading, I suppose a whole movie could be made by a talented script writer.

It's that good.

I hope you enjoyed it. After all these years I finally got around to the whole thing and thought I'd better post it to BBHF.

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