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THANKS. . .. .
(05-13-2024 01:53 PM)Rxss Wrote: [ -> ]IS THIS ANY GOOD

Start off with the free playlist on Dave's youtube channel.

Thing is, he is not at all a good communicator. He's an *excellent* trader. But good grief - he can talk for 2+ hours, and there's really only about 15-20 minutes of usable info in it.

He's also a very odd dude...with a distinct personality. He can come off abrasive...which doesn't really bother me. But dang if he doesn't invite and foster drama. I started following him and some of his advocates / followers on Twitter. A guy that used to follow him separated off and started his own thing and it's been constant drama. Wow.

Dave can also be the kinda guy that if you don't get something he says and ask a question, he'll absolutely roast you.

If you wanna learn the type of stuff he teaches, but in a much more simplified way and without all the unecessary BS, look up look up @PacTrades on youtube. His tutorials are way better, IMO.
Thanks for the share!
repped you brother this is brilliant
great download
thank you for share
Thank you!
thanks mate
thankss for this
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