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Full Version: I think admin should know this.
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I don't know what's wrong, When I open our forum use Google chrome and this appear.

I think our administrator should know this.

and I know this post shouldn't at here, so PLS someone move it to the right place. THANKS.
I can confirm that something weird is going on with google. Google suddenly and browsers are giving this warning when you visit black hat sites.

It also does this on the search engine, I'm sure pretty sure all black hat sites will probably get de-indexed because now when I google a crack that I know is here and I click on the link that's the exact box i get. Does it for blackhatworld as well
it doesnt not happen with blackhatworld.
Did for me, I got a malware warning when viewing something there 10 seconds ago.
Jerks have been posting downloads that weren't what they said they were. They are trying to wreck the board.
More info here:
Admin has already replied to this.
There is allready a malicious code on the code of that forum, my Anti virus allways bloc that site while replying.. Admin clean up your code man!
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