Best Blackhat Forum

Full Version: Bestblackhatforum VS BlackHatWorld
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i hate, STRONGLY HATE , blackhatworld, when i was first learning seo, i was directed there, and everyone just wanted to take my money. LITERALLY EVERYONE. When i asked for help, such as, what is the best footprint for scrapebox. They would say stuff like, look on google.. or idk why don't you stop asking stupid questions. or my favorite, i have the best footprints for scrapebox, but i don't give them to anyone. I was like, wtf , rude bitches, just rude assholes..
scuze my language but yes they are. I also got scammed, me and my bf , a total of 170 bux, and when you ask for help. Like i asked someone, how do i get the gmail button to work on zennoposter on the drop down. He would say "look on youtube, i have the button and it works fine" i mean like, are they F****** robots or something!!!
No, theyre just selfish moneymakers. not a real community. I don't like them at all.
I am the member of both the forums...But I'm 100% sure, this is the best forum, lot of freebies, helpful members,....THis BBHF has all the qualities an ideal forum should have!
Our Admin granted SuperVips for free to many on the Christmas Day!!!! i think its very hard to get there ....
I actually came here from BHW. Blackhatworld is pretty decent. I can't really judge yet because I havn't been active here, but overall both forums look the same. Nearly the same sections and themes.
I obviously agree with @stiffler.

When anyone tell me what's the best? I always choose Best black hat forum. Because for me it's the best forum site....
BBHF Hands Down ! No Arguement !!

Now where the hell was I when they awarded supervip's :(
I prefer BBHF due to it has many newbie stuffs here, easy to learn :)
only wanna say BBHF rocksssssss
thanks admin.... Verysad

You cried enough tears for me, Thank you !
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