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Reverse My Tinnitus

[Image: 1-aa625f938e.jpg]
Sad to see this=>
(01-29-2024 08:57 AM)doctorpeter Wrote: [ -> ]Tinnitus Miracle

"File Download Blocked
The file you attempted to download has been previously claimed by a copyright holder through a valid DMCA request and cannot be downloaded."
Since living with tinnitus for many decades, this stuff always catches my attention...BUT=>
All the info everywhere is about food choices, stress, and changing life habits.

The book shared in the OP here is just the same kind of ineffectual stuff.

Simply put...NONE of this stuff truly does any good - just makes for wasted time and efforts.

Possibly of interest regarding a possible 'cure':

With regards to the 1st share offered here - I suggest looking at the section headed with:
"Is Tinnitus Miracle a Scam?"
At this site:

And maybe also here:

Over the many years I've tried LOTS of stuff - but the noise remains.
max reps

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