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Congratulations on this incredible milestone of 50,000-plus reputations!
Your presence has elevated the quality of discussions on here at BBHF, and we are so fortunate to have you as a valuable member.
Here's to more achievements in the future!
(standing ovation to you - many thanks)
(01-27-2024 03:16 AM)manythanks Wrote: [ -> ]
Congratulations on this incredible milestone of 50,000-plus reputations!
Your presence has elevated the quality of discussions on here at BBHF, and we are so fortunate to have you as a valuable member.
Here's to more achievements in the future!
(standing ovation to you - many thanks)
He or She deserved it!

Congrats SlenderMan, please share your technique with me on how you managed to got most of the request fulfilled in an instant, i wanna be like you also, helpful and thoughtful :)
Slenderman is amazing... very resourceful.
Either he is very very rich and dont mind to spend for us....
He has got a talent to find the download link of all the site :)
Either way, I am very happy that he is part of BBHF
Slenderman is a legend... Thank you so much, Slender! You've helped me a lot and you're adding a ton of value to our lives here on BBHF. We appreciate what you do. Keep rocking. Stay blessed.
Yes Slenderman you are an absolutely amazing member of BBHF. Very grateful for all you do! :)
Raising star! Joined few months ago and already hit 50k + Reputations!, shared so much resources and knowledge with us, really amazing! Respect!
SlenderMan is such a great contributor and very humble. Doesn’t beg for reps or recognition. He deserves all the praise. One of the most highly valued members here indeed.
Slenderman is a Godsend! I am in awe of how much he is doing for the community. Just awesome! He is very humble. God bless you Slenderman! More power to you.
Slenderman is single handedly running bbhf at the moment.

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