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thanks for the upload
thanks for posting
max reps for this share
(03-31-2024 10:32 AM)bastille44c Wrote: [ -> ]thanks for posting
thank you!
Thanks for sharing
thank you so much
Thanks for that
thanks for sharing
al mindset shift that will free you from any guilt around your overflowing inbox.
Configure these seven settings in your email provider to streamline email processing once and for all.
Set up the four essential downstream systems so any incoming information can flow to the right place (instead of clogging up your inbox).
Master the practice of “email triage” that will get you to inbox zero consistently and in no time.
Start the habit of batch-processing your emails to free up the time and energy to do your best, most creative work OUTSIDE of your inbox.

3. Calendar: Managing Your Time
Find out why most people’s calendars are a mess and fail to create focus on the vital tasks that we strive for.
Start leveraging the full power of a digital calendar (you’ve been missing out if you’re still using a traditional paper calendar).
Get started with your digital calendar using our simple step-by-
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