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Full Version: [GET] Venkatesh Kumar and Visves - EverHosting = Get Unlimited Hosting
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Nice Thread
Thanks Bro
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Thanks for the share, appreciate your kindness
Thanks for the share. Reps added.
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Typical scenario when IMers sell hosting...

They buy some cheap shared reseller hosting and resell THAT until around when new sales quit bringing in $$, and then the hosting usually vanishes without any warning.

This has shown itself to be true with others doing the same things which were shared here before.

OK for temporary uses, just not for forever.
(This sells via W+ for $16.89 and reg is handled via a WP site.)

Actually hosted @IP which is called Speakeasy in TX, USA.
Very poorly propagated, as shown here:

Uses this rather than cPanel or DA:

NOT UNLIMITED - has many limitations.

The key words in such offers being 'UNLIMITED' and/or 'LIFETIME', neither of which are usually true.
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Be sure to record ALL pertinent data if you get this offer, as it does NOT send any welcome email !!!
Thanks for sharing
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