10-20-2023, 11:08 PM
Edgar Cayce’s Famous “Black Book”
Edgar Cayce’s secretary, Gladys Davis, and research assistant, Mae Gimbert St. Clair, compiled 130 subjects from the Cayce readings into this individual reference file—one of the most sought-after publications of Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., where it came to be referred to as simply, “the black book.”
This new paperback edition of Edgar Cayce’s Famous Black Book is rich in it’s sampling of the Edgar Cayce readings, from the Akashic Records and info on allergies to soul development, telepathy, and the treatment for varicose veins, you can find practical information that you can use at once, including simple remedies and guidelines to enhance your health; spiritual and metaphysical truths to live by; and insights into how to make your life more worthwhile.
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Edgar Cayce’s secretary, Gladys Davis, and research assistant, Mae Gimbert St. Clair, compiled 130 subjects from the Cayce readings into this individual reference file—one of the most sought-after publications of Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., where it came to be referred to as simply, “the black book.”
This new paperback edition of Edgar Cayce’s Famous Black Book is rich in it’s sampling of the Edgar Cayce readings, from the Akashic Records and info on allergies to soul development, telepathy, and the treatment for varicose veins, you can find practical information that you can use at once, including simple remedies and guidelines to enhance your health; spiritual and metaphysical truths to live by; and insights into how to make your life more worthwhile.
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