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★★★Brand New and OVER 250 SPECIFIC EXAMPLES★★★
Finally be funny by learning the top 35 humor techniques, including:

The number one way to make anyone laugh

The technique that instantly improves over 60% of everything you say
How to offer more colorful descriptions
Exactly how to create more entertaining observations
How to instantly position the conversation into playful mode
How to play along with group conversations
How to maintain playful and entertaining conversations
How to sound funnier
The exact ratio of details to add to every comment
How to tell the perfect story every time
What phrase types elicit more laughter
The words that immediately improve every phrase
What part of stories is the most important for getting the laugh
Understand why some words are funnier than others
Understand exactly how to improve your jokes
...and 20 more of the best techniques! Humor is the best and most valuable social skill you could ever learn. What are you waiting for?

You Can Be Funny and Make People Laugh carefully examines the art, nuance, and mechanics of wit and humor.

What if you could be much funnier and more likable than you are today? What if you could finally be that person in your group of friends delivering the funny lines and telling the funny stories? For the first time, conversational humor has been dissected like never before.

Gregory offers step-by-step guidelines on what to say and how to say it. You won’t find theories or fluff here. Instead, you'll discover actionable techniques and strategies to dramatically improve your sense of humor and ability to be funny.

With more than 250 real-life specific examples, you'll learn how to apply each technique to your own conversations.

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