09-01-2023, 11:25 AM
![[Image: 51fxN8A2ddL._SX417_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51fxN8A2ddL._SX417_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg)
“Cupboard cure” gives Pauline CHOLESTEROL 170! ....................................4
Coleslaw cure for menstrual cramps ......................................23
Drops blood pressure 40 points ..................5
COLDS CONQUERED by pharmaceutical-strength soup ..................26
FREE RECIPE Incredible gin-soaked raisin remedy ends Nick’s arthritis!.............................................7
FREE FORMULA World’s fastest sore throat remedy! .........27
2-day migraine cured in minutes BY LEMON RIND?! .....................................8
BIRD FLU SURVIVORS credit “garlic and cognac cure”................27
Leg cramps cured in seconds .......................9
Get rid of gray hair from inside out...................28
Fix kidney stones with asparagus?!............... 9
Shingles stopped by geraniums?! ................ 29
HEMORRHOIDS HEALED faster than a speeding bullet................10
Chronic colon spasms cured by COCONUT MACAROONS! .......................30
Fabulous “flounder cure” for herpes ....................................................10
The instant constipation cure...................31
FROM DUD TO STUD! Even works for 90-year-olds .................12 Casanova’s sexual antifreeze ....................13 Sleepless TV stars swear by THE ONION JAR CURE ..............................14 Spouse’s snoring stopped forever................ 15 Pills stick in your throat? ..........................15 15-MINUTE “CHOCOLATE FACE-LIFT” turns aging actresses into starlets .........16 Even a cure for old scars?! .........................17 Lose 40 pounds and win THE NO-BELLY PRIZE ................................18 Top spa’s “thunder thigh” cure ................18 FEET BEAT? HOSPITAL-TESTED tomato cure beats all!............................20
Since drinking this tea SHE’S ASTHMA-FREE!..............................32 Emphysema relieved in seconds ..............33 “Pirate’s cure” for bad vision ...................34 Lost hearing restored with peroxide?! .....35 Rain forest missionaries find MIND-BOOSTING MIRACLE ....................36 Banana cure makes BRUISES VANISH! .....................................38 “Pig fat cure” ends toothache ..................39 ARMY TESTS ALLERGY FIND and gives it a big thumbs-up.....................40 FREE FORMULA Famed doctor proves herb tonic fixes failing memory! ..........................................41
Psoriasis miracle from the Holy Land ..........21
DOCTOR’S HANGOVER CURE “Helped me through med school!” .................41
Hot flashes? Mood swings? COOKIE CURE! ...........................................22