you are a a gentleman and a scholar. I am in your debt as i was looking for this
Woah! This is sick!
+5 Rep
EDIT: I have it working now, actually works perfectly but NOT by using the 2 excel files, they just dont work at all. What you need to do is to go to the txt file called "Mike Hayden – Autosheets.AI - AI (ChatGPT) Fiction Story Book Writer" and use the links that are in there. This way it works perfectly. One more thing i'd say about this is that it does write a fantastic storyline/book but it doesn't just cost 1.50/2.00 as the seller quotes. My book took almost 3 hours to finish and cost $12!! I have no idea where the developer got that figure from! My book is very well written and is 7696 words with 189 pages. Hope this helps.
Has anyone actually got this one working? It opens automatically in excel but you need to open it in google sheets. Once there, you need to follow the instructions, 1. make a copy so that you can edit, 2. insert your API key, 3. go to main sheet and, under A6, you need to put in your info on what the book you want written is going to be about. Now, here's the problem. You then need to look up at the menu and, next to help, you 'should' see another added menu saying GPT Menu. But, I don't see it anywhere. I have been trying to get this working for the past 3 days and not got anywhere. I have put money on to the API so that i can get these books made - the guy selling it says it costs around $1.50/$2.00 to get a 20 chapter (3,000 words per chapter) book made. I just can't get it to work!! everything else seems fine but the GPT Menu just won't appear so I can't get started. I downloaded one of his free files to see what happens there and they work fine, it's just not what I want - I want to publish books. Anyone find a workaround for this and/or got it working for them? Thanks and regards,
thanks for sharing your file, I'm still looking for something like this, is there anything else?