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A question that's asked again and again from traders around the globe is "What is the BEST trading strategy? I want to make money consistently, but I want to do so in a SAFE manner because I can't afford to take any losses."

Well, it's what investors the world over are looking for, right? And this is why professional traders refer to this commonly-sought, yet elusive trading strategy as "The Holy Grail."

Like Sir Percival in King Arthur's Court or Indiana Jones from the film series, traders are forever in search of the Holy Grail....the strategy that risks little capital while it consistently grows their account balance. Trading students search for the Grail by going to one vendor after another, looking for the right mentor that will finally unlock these secrets of freedom. And it's no surprise that this quest is analogous to the search for the mythical Holy Grail, in that it leads to one dead end after another.

In Doc Severson's book, "Hacking the Holy Grail: The Trader's Guide to Cracking the Code of Profitability," he offers an alternative solution to finding the "Grail" strategy. The Grail that traders seek might be in a place they never thought to look in the first place - inside of them.

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