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thank you for sharing
Quote: can someone provide me how to contact the Cyberpunk
I am CyberPunk, I just don't use it as my username on forums usually. However, I wouldn't mind if an admin changed my username :p
Getting this error "cannot be installed on systems with .Net Framework version lower that 4.0. But I have .Net 4.0 Framework 4 Client Profile. Anybody know how to fix?
Getting this error "cannot be installed on systems with .Net Framework version lower that 4.0. But I have .Net 4.0 Framework 4 Client Profile. Anybody know how to fix?
Getting this error "cannot be installed on systems with .Net Framework version lower that 4.0. But I have .Net 4.0 Framework 4 Client Profile. Anybody know how to fix?
Quote: Getting this error "cannot be installed on systems with .Net Framework version lower that 4.0. But I have .Net 4.0 Framework 4 Client Profile. Anybody know how to fix?
.NET Framework 4 Client Profile is less than .NET Framework 4!

Client Profile is the slimmed down version. The app needs the full install of .net framework 4. So download it from microsoft.
hey CyberPunk...

Can you cracked the new updated one of WikiNuke Curator 2.0

We will love this so much because many features added on there like supporting Google Images, Youtube etc.
yea plzzzz WikiNuke Curator 2.0
it says x64 which means that it in not working on your system because you are running windows x86
same for me. We need a x86 version
Can anyone upload the training videos here please

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