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Full Version: [GET] PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVENTURES Some are just for fun: others will change your life
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There is no need or expectation for you to do all of the adventures. There are far, far too many.

The adventures you choose will change as the needs and challenges of your life change. And the fun and learning experiences you gain from each adventure will also change as your sensitivity, knowledge and wisdom grow. They become old friends. Friends for life. I’d start with the first group of adventures, Placebos.

So important to be aware of the negative and positive placebos you send and receive. The blessings and curses you throw and catch. The balance determines the emotional atmosphere you create for others and, most importantly, for yourself. Free the Flow is my favorite group of adventures. Enormous payoff. People see and hear and feel the difference. You flash spirit and vitality, and people want to be with you. You provide emotional oxygen. The increased joy, creativity and adventure have given me the greatest highs of my life.You are in for quite a ride.

Now there's an interesting book. Thanks SS!
Thank You!
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