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Getting to financial independence can seem like an impossible journey. What path should you take? How do you get started? What about bumps in the road?

The good news is there are proven routes to freedom and wealth―and they're nearer and simpler than you think.

To help you make your own way to true and lasting financial independence, acclaimed personal finance writer Jonathan Clements has brought together the inspiring financial life stories of 30 people, all told in their own words.

Learn from the triumphs and disasters, the challenges and reflections of a wide range of real men and women just like you―and the surprising but repeatable ways they achieved financial freedom.

From a chemical plant worker to an Army lawyer, a unitarian minister to a high-school teacher, a software engineer to a retired mutual fund manager―all have timeless wisdom and inspiration you can put into action right now, bringing you one step closer to your own financial freedom.

“My Money Journey is a must read for people―of any age or experience―who want to be better at managing their financial lives. It is chock full of real-world stories of financial and investing success, and challenge, from people ‘just like us.’ There’s no better way to learn. Those stories, and the summary lessons from each contributor, provide a great road map for readers as they chart their own course to financial well-being.”
Jack Brennan
Author of More Straight Talk on Investing and the former CEO and Chairman of Vanguard Group

“I loved every bit of this wise book. Its financial success stories don’t owe to towering salaries or complicated investment strategies. Instead, the contributors chalk up their financial freedom and peace of mind to more relatable factors: healthy savings habits, common sense, and a dash of good luck. I saw a bit of my own story reflected in its pages, and it’s a good bet that you will, too.”
Christine Benz
Morningstar’s director of personal finance

“A real-life look at how messy, complex―but ultimately rewarding―a personal relationship with money can be.”
Morgan Housel
Bestselling author of The Psychology of Money

“Any book can talk about the blocking and tackling involved in personal finance. What I love here are the stories of the stops and starts, the successes and the oops through the decades of a personal journey. No one’s life is a predictable straight line. It is how we navigate the unexpected that gives us the foundations for financial independence and security.”
Clark Howard
Renowned consumer advocate and founder of

My Money Journey: How 30 people found financial freedom - and you can too
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